They have her in pull-ups now and she's not happy about that. Breakfast was a quiet meal, with Dulce absent and Señor Medena lost in thought. “have” and “had”: the use of these helping verbs to form past tenses is explained: here. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. 1. It is not I you should blame. Are you an English teacher by any chance? The ultra sound photo brought back a vivid memory of Alex watching the screen as the baby moved in her womb. In fact, he had a strong respect for the security it could provide. Toto, But, use the word percent if the number appears at the start of the sentence with a spelled-out number. Every breath rattled, and she coughed in her sleep. They turned themselves in. The first one always makes me think of the person as a magician. His gaze shifted reflectively to nothing in particular. I understand the correct forms are “in May” and “on May 3rd”, but I can not decide between “In December 2007” and “On December 2007”. I lost track of time until Alex came along and revived my interest in the ranch. 4. When she was close enough to the house, she ran to the courtyard and slipped in through the back door. [When would you say IN the market?]. Alondra was attractive in a delicate way - her features more refined. , Have = he, has, ha, han, hemos (yo he hecho, conjuga el resto) "I want him to know where I am in case he returns," she said, flipping open her phone. Yes silly, I had told you yesterday that I had (THEN) done what you asked me to do. BTW, the sentence that my daughter wrote was actually: “The stain on my shirt won’t come off”. Once inside, she locked the door and ordered Destiny to stay in the house while she called Alex. 2245192 Come and see. Yes Louis, I have done what asked me to do. These babies might not be in her womb, but they did belong to Alex. Not a grammar guru though. Using words which begin with "a" in a sentence Click on a word below, and a list of sentences using the word will be shown. The troops were in battle array. He plopped down in a chair, his intense gaze fixed on her. The main thing to remember is that “had done” describes an action that took place before some other action in the past. Leaning her back against the wall, hands behind her back, she watched him in the mirror. The little man gave a bow to the silent throng that had watched him, and then the Prince said, in his cold, calm voice: "It's violet," said the Wizard, who was in the buggy. Is there a difference? 2. When used in this manner the phrase is actually "that is to say". You're the person he wanted to put in the house. Jonathan came in as Carmen was setting the table. Hopefully he would be in a better mood after they got back home. She wanted to find, and still seeks, some secret motive in our actions. The roof beside them had a great hole smashed through it, and pieces of glass were lying scattered in every direction. Answer: "The" is not an incorrect word to use to start a sentence but you never want to use the same word over and over because it makes your sentences sound repetative and not as professional. Here are some examples. Princess was supposed to foal again in January. If I have some weird obsession, I could be into the chair. Then he got into the buggy again and took the reins, and the horse at once backed away from the tree, turned slowly around, and began to trot down the sandy road which was just visible in the dim light. "But you thought you should defend me," he said in a calculating tone. MANNER: The child ran down the steps in tears. 1. In that instant she realized something else. That might be true, but there was no point in working at becoming a spendthrift simply because he had money. Use “therefore” to show cause and effect. "Wait... not now... stop," he mimicked in falsetto. If she is seated indoors without benefit of chair or other support, she claims to be sitting “in” the floor. I just didn't see any point in spending money on new clothes when my old ones still had a lot of wear in them. “participated in a field trip” Think, also, of the ladies of the land weaving toilet cushions against the last day, not to betray too green an interest in their fates! You’re correct. Thanks. In British English, collective nouns can take is or are.But even in American English, a collective noun can take are when you need to emphasize the individual members of the group. Is it “We participated in a field trip.” or “We participated on a field trip.”? All the material needed to study for the test can be found in this textbook. You may know the difference between "is" and "are," but what about if your noun is noncountable? Carmen swallowed a lump in her throat and blinked tears from her eyes. It may be dropped (in any register) because it acts as the direct object of the verb in the relative clause. You could say “I’m in the market for a new car,” i.e., you are considering a purchase. Pray, how shall I, a little lad, In speaking make a figure? Even so, she had accepted it in her mind to a degree. Method 3. She and I don't always get along, but we try. In the beginning, she was simply sleeping a lot. The boat is on the water. "I think that before discussing these questions," Pierre continued, "we should ask the Emperor--most respectfully ask His Majesty--to let us know the number of our troops and the position in which our army and our forces now are, and then...". As I mentioned in the post, prepositional usage is often idiomatic and difficult to pin down. He wasn't involved in anything illegal and you have no reason to be concerned about spending any of the money he acquired. When you are talking about someone who has committed a crime, do they turn themselves “into” the police, or in to the police? 1. He was watching her, a wry smile on his face and an amused twinkle in his eyes. Alex was in a good mood and it was a pleasant trip - until Felipa made a comment about Tessa's visit the night before. So, I would use a comma in both instances. They are happy in their marriage. Method 2. CK 1 54256 Try and swim! When deciding whether to use in or into, ask yourself if the person or thing you are talking about is moving from one place to another. It may be necessary to memorize the more common usages. His diving technique would certainly not be out of place in an Olympic pool. Later, she lay in bed, tucked warmly under the covers as his boots clicked away from her on the hardwood floor - down the hall and into the den. Felipa will be punished for her part in the incident. Sentences with audio are shown first, followed by sentences without audio. (I wanted to point out that because learners tend to forget the context in which a sentence is said. I’m getting in the plane.”. The x-rays were conclusive and indicated a bad infection in the lower lobe of one lung. In fact, that was a good way to make sure he didn't. In the background she heard Alex ask him who he was talking to. When the band came back Alondra and Felipa danced Flamenco in duet. To the police. A university. Annette, Katie sighed and threw the last potato in the pan. The worst thing was their terror of reaching the bottom of this great crack in the earth, and the natural fear that sudden death was about to overtake them at any moment. He pulled her close in an embrace, his lips warm against hers in response to her silent query. Carmen glanced at him, but he was still deep in thought. In the first place, he didn't consider this home. Whatever the problem was, it remained in his mind alone. She stopped in the kitchen when she spotted the skillet of scrambled eggs and a pan of biscuits beside it. The idea of making love in a strange bedroom was disturbing enough, but with only a door between them and the children, locked or not, it didn't feel right. "I didn't see any point in telling you," she said. I often confuse the two. There was no point in working herself up this way. Pierre wished to say that he was ready to sacrifice his money, his serfs, or himself, only one ought to know the state of affairs in order to be able to improve it, but he was unable to speak. He's a lot like his father - in a LOT of ways, but don't tell him that. The return address was the Doctor's office in Chicago. or The national weather forecast on television was calling for light snow in Arkansas. Firstly, has it ever been wrong to begin a sentence with and or but? I have faith only in God and the lofty destiny of our adored monarch. If you are confused about using ‘which’ or ‘that’ in a sentence, you need to understand the differences between the restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses.. For example: ‘I ate the chicken that was spoiled’ In this example, the word ‘that’ has introduced a restrictive relative clause. Honestly Daniel that was one great tip. Her eyes were large and imploring as she was wheeled down the hall to a room in the pediatric ward. Alex was away on a call when she discovered Princess in labor. I understand how people get confused as to when to use “into” and “in” here. He held them in his hand, and showed them to the boy. His tail was short and scraggly, and his harness had been broken in many places and fastened together again with cords and bits of wire. Was there room for two car seats and a bumper seat in the back seat of her car? You have to stay in here, but Mommy will hug you. Is this grammatically correct. I called Jason for help with my homework. but now I’m reading that it’s acceptable? According to the invitation, the party will be held in the main entrance near the Christmas tree. Many years after that, some funny little verses about Mr. Finney's turnip were printed in a newspaper. But the five phenomena I chose to tackle in this book are among the great blights on humanity that I believe the Internet and technology will help solve. My daughter’s teacher corrected the sentence by putting “in” instead of “on”. But you’d “go on a field trip.”. was repeated approvingly in the back rows of the crowd. No one did, because the Mangaboos did not wear hats, and Zeb had lost his, somehow, in his flight through the air. Considering the information Katie had just disclosed, it wasn't surprising that he wanted to be in control - or that he had chosen a wife who asked few questions. The children (who were already in the water) jumped in the water. He wasn't opposed to having it, but he insisted on sharing it in fair business - and with his wife, more or less. Hello. I myself face the problem of deciding where to use on and where to use in but this post summed it up quite well. This morning, I went downtown and couldn’t find any fresh bass AT the market. Copyright © 2020 Daily Writing Tips . It was neither good nor bad in her mind back then - it simply was. TIME: He was not thinking well on that occasion. For the remainder of the trip to the ranch, Alex remained in a good mood. There was not an ugly person in all the throng. Thank you very much… I’ll follow that tip. We are Russians and will not grudge our blood in defense of our faith, the throne, and the Fatherland! Within a few minutes the plane was dipping and rising in a way that made her stomach roll uncomfortably. Less than an hour after the phone call, Destiny woke up in a fit of coughing. It was almost three O'clock in the afternoon and her stomach was screaming for something to eat. Are all those presents really for me? The wanted persons would turn themselves in to the police. We are going to the concert on July 1. It's wandering around in circles and it's not at all afraid of us. Sentences are sorted by length, with 50 sentences per page. Taking her in his arms, he held her close for a moment and then planted a kiss on her forehead. Even in the days before my teacher came, I used to feel along the square stiff boxwood hedges, and, guided by the sense of smell would find the first violets and lilies. in a minute not "Will can never be used on its own." The basic rule for using a in a sentence is. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Carmen found Alex relaxing in a chair next to the bed in their room. That evening after Destiny and Jonathan were asleep, Carmen was picking up in their room. "Yes. Until now I’m still confuse, but at least I know now that it is idiomatic and there is a general guidelines exist on using them.. By the way does anyone knows how to use has, had, and have? "I don't know why you didn't just undress me when you put me in bed," she said. 5. The 1959 edition of Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style begins two senten… Stay tuned. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "And" in Example Sentences Page 1. They stood there for a moment, watching their image in the mirror. When she returned, he was absorbed in the paper. Carmen handed Destiny the doll and she wrapped it in her arms. It’s always been one of my pet peeves (in written word more than spoken) because we learned it was wrong in high school grammar…. A “that” is needed after “and” to make it clear for the reader. should be I don’t know if “in a sentence” is correct, is it? 3. You can get away with the “in.” I would omit it and say My daughter will be going to college two years from now. I never pick up the difference between these words. The highest Petersburg society was assembled there: people differing widely in age and character but alike in the social circle to which they belonged. Sometimes Alex and Jonathan play soccer, and sometimes we all go for a ride in the buggy. I’ve never personally experienced any confusion about On and In, but a friend of mine makes me laugh with her usage, which I suspect is dialectic. Anything I’m getting wrong please let me know. She let the conversation drop that night, but early the next morning Dulce caught him in the hallway and it was clear that she didn't think anything was settled. Here are some examples: “The boat is in/on the water,” “We are in/on the planet,” “We’re going to the concert in/on July 1st.”. “in a sentence” is correct. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 2. Roswell, He glanced up and smiled when she came in, his gaze drifting from her to the door. Figure out when you use … Even after reading the explanations above, I don’t get them as they don’t make sense all the time for me. I can be beside the chair, behind the chair, by the chair, and beyond the chair. is a way to introduce examples in the sentences you write. Alex told her to call him back if she didn't give birth in an hour. (For a list of vowel examples, see below.) "My breath is bad," she said, squirming in his arms. This came in by currier a few minutes ago, sir. As it came to a stop the conductor called out in a loud voice. 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