"For thousands of years. If he spoke with anger or frustration or anything other than the quiet, impassioned tone, she would've been able to handle the news better. He was quiet, and she held her breath, listening for him. Be out of here by nightfall, Kris said at last, his voice quiet and hard. Their quiet talking ceased, and they looked at her. Whenever I book a ticket in advance, they always put me in the quiet carriage. And for the first time Sonya felt that out of her pure, quiet love for Nicholas a passionate feeling was beginning to grow up which was stronger than principle, virtue, or religion. 1275396 Be quiet . At a moment when all was quiet before the commencement of a song, a door leading to the stalls on the side nearest the Rostovs' box creaked, and the steps of a belated arrival were heard. Quiet definition is - the quality or state of being quiet : tranquility. the fractured light, his eyes glowing with quiet fury. The pile of mail she left on her desk was still there, the living room neat and quiet. Later, when all was quiet, a rest­less half-sleep was all he could achieve. He crossed to the quiet horse as he walked, issuing it a warning look as well. Gabriel was quiet for a long moment, which she took as a bad sign. He could not now understand how he could ever even have doubted the necessity of taking an active share in life, just as a month before he had not understood how the idea of leaving the quiet country could ever enter his head. They left the orchard for the quiet city, which had not yet begun to awaken. An eerie quiet followed, and she wasn't sure if he'd shed his human body and take out her and everything else. Frustrated, Katie looked both directions down the pristine, eerily quiet hallway before following the kid toward the far end, where a bright red exit sign hung over the door. The shaded forest was cool and quiet, as if all the animals and trees watched and waited. I told her when I returned from my preparations in the cabin I'd better find my little angle quiet or she could watch her mother die before her eyes. The government here likes to conduct what it calls a quiet diplomacy, working behind the scenes. Sentence pairs containing quiet translated in English and Spanish. His reign, which began soon after the close of the second Messenian War, is said to have been quiet and uneventful (Pausanias iii. The ride back was quiet, but the silence was a comfortable one, only becoming awkward when they reached the door of his house. The first is most obvious in the scenes of quiet description and emotion in whose presentation he particularly excels. Here are many translated example sentences containing "ARE QUIET" - english-german translations and search engine for … At the UN headquarters in New York, at present undergoing a major refit, Ban's staff defend him in public, saying that their boss operates best out of the limelight - what they call quiet diplomacy, private conversations with world leaders, avoiding embarrassing or hectoring them in front of television cameras. Let's go somewhere quiet. it doesn't matter what you get or if you get. She fell quiet for a moment, and Darian watched the disjointed images in her mind as she recalled the memories. They appeared in the quiet living room, turning at the startled gasp. While quiet, his words were meant as the threat she took them to be. With the house quiet, the two women retired to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and conversation. 22 examples: The men were more likely to be quiet, private people, whereas the women tended… These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and from sources on the web. He was quiet for a few minutes, and then finally spoke in a controlled tone. Quiet-no pronunciation. When it was my turn to sing on It is quite near the park gate. use "quiet" in a sentence The island is a popular anchorage for those looking for a quiet spot to set up camp for a few days. For example: "a quiet" or "the quiet", Words that often come after quiet in sentences. Bianca coughed to cover her laugh, and Pierre seconded the vamp with a quiet amen. He must quiet the disagreeable wranglings of the German humanists. Inside the quiet room, the balcony beckoned, so she slid the patio door open and stepped out into the balmy night. CK 1 2648812 I was quite busy. It was dark and cool, the forest quiet while the waters before him no longer glowed brightly enough to be seen from the stronghold. Definition of Quiet calm with little or no noise Examples of Quiet in a sentence Moving into a quiet neighborhood, the couple was glad to be able to sleep peacefully at night. She was a quiet girl who had taken a shine to the Deans. CK 1 2248223 I'm quite sure. "Come closer," Jule said in a quiet voice. Homer Flanders, Tic-Face to some of his friends, was found resting in a quiet corner of the Parkside bus terminal, his throat slit like a sec­ond grin. He paused, looked ironically straight into Balashev's eyes, and said in a quiet voice: She heard the sound of quick footsteps in the quiet street. But early one morning the fever left me as mysteriously and unexpectedly as it had come, and I fell into a quiet sleep. Everything is quiet in the city and there is not the slightest danger. The umpire quieted the crowd, so the game could continue in He sought a quiet refuge, and in Joseph Alexeevich's study he really found it. Nonetheless, Papke said it's a shock a man was shot in what he described as a quiet neighbourhood. Back at the quiet Texas compound, where the early evening and open space made her feel a little less trapped by her situation. Determined to find some peace and quiet, Wynn ignored the men racing in different directions through the hallways and went to one of the back stairwells. Dean rose to meet him and the two wandered to a quiet section of the park before Dean questioned him. "Dad," his voice was quiet... filled with emotion. 6. She added a snap of her fingers that pulled a quiet laugh from him. The terrible surf proved the more formidable enemy. How could someone described as quiet until now create this much fear? After some cooing on Cynthia's part, the crying subsided to sniffs and quiet sobs. Tim was the quiet one and when Jim cried, everyone on the block knew he was unhappy. Could everyone please be quiet for a sec, I'd like to make an announcement regarding the test tomorrow. Then it was, in quiet intervals, that he got some comfort and stiffened his own pride by showing Tom over the estate. The quiet lasted only a few moments. Our guests deserve a quiet and peaceful visit. She was quiet briefly, considering, before she said, "Fine. Lanterns lit the underground, and people huddled in quiet groups. They related to the quiet life. Familiar coldness and silence washed over her before the quiet was replaced by the storm's furious bellow. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. The door bucked again before all went quiet. CK 1 2203241 We're quiet . Mary stood by, unusually quiet, but when Cade left she found her voice. "Molly is asleep so we have to be quiet," she said as she led me into the living room.". Even the beggars outside the thick, bulletproof glass of the main gate were quiet, their small fires dark. 5. [ mainly US ] regional note: in BRIT , usually use quieten Supporters of the constitution had to quiet fears that aristocrats plotted to steal the fruits of the revolution. Disturbs the quiet of this farm! But not even in the worst of times did they ever regret for a moment abandoning their life in the East for this quiet mountain hamlet they now called home and their sometimes hectic life of running a country inn. Another word for quiet. His voice was quiet and confident, and she felt like a visitor in his throne room rather than a woman talking to a stranger chained to her basement wall. In a quiet room with no one looking on, she managed to get her emotions under control by focusing on Destiny. Choose the Right Synonym for restful comfortable, cozy, snug, easy, restful mean enjoying or providing a position of contentment and security. 284. If one goes from place to place in search of the quiet spot for sleep, he may finally find _quiet itself_ oppressive, or worse yet, may be kept awake by hearing his own circulation, from which escape is out of the question. Click here for the full Spellzone dictionary definition of the word. 3. Lana felt for the quiet woman as she fell in to a sad silence. Words that often come before quiet in sentences. On the quiet summer night, the only thing that could be They are like the people whom they see every day, who prefer the crowded, noisy city to the quiet and freedom of the country. With his silver pride and joy secured to the bike rack, a spare change of clothes and rain gear in his pannier and some fruit and crackers for a snack, he rolled away from town to the peace and quiet of the countryside. "Excuse me, ma'am," the boy called out in a quiet, nervous voice. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. "This looks messy," Brady's quiet voice came across her net. CK 1 272043 Keep quiet . "I do," he replied in a tone just as quiet. 209. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you … Alex was quiet for a few minutes and then shut his light off. Noun My hostess told me she had some records I might like to hear and she called for quiet in the room. Examples of terrible in a sentence: 1. They were quiet for a sometime but could sense from each other's movements that neither was asleep. When I get back, I'll let you beat me at chess, and we'll have a nice quiet evening, okay? It had a quiet look of quality that was soothing. The Traveling was quick and transported them from the quiet, dry heat of Texas to the heavy, warm ocean air. she almost screamed, so as to drown his voice. 303. CK 1 71736 All is quiet . When he was finished, the quiet continued to the point where he wondered if she were still on the line. Dean returned to Bird Song and brought Cynthia up to date on his conversation with Sheriff Weller over a quiet lunch of soup and grilled cheese. Sentences Mobile. 3. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace. The place was quiet and secluded, and Sarah would be a sweet person to work for. Definition of quiet as a mouse in the Idioms Dictionary. How to Use quiet.quiet has slightly different uses, whether it's a noun, adjective, or verb, particularly in how it's used grammatically. In quietude and coolness, the couple enjoyed a picnic on a grassy knoll beside the calm stream. quiet in a sentence - Use "quiet" in a sentence 1. How to use quiet in a sentence. She took a shower and padded through the quiet mansion to the kitchen. What does be as quiet as a mouse expression mean? I never cautioned her to keep quiet about us. Wheels creak on their axles as the cogs engage one another and the revolving pulleys whirr with the rapidity of their movement, but a neighboring wheel is as quiet and motionless as though it were prepared to remain so for a hundred years; but the moment comes when the lever catches it and obeying the impulse that wheel begins to creak and joins in the common motion the result and aim of which are beyond its ken. 14 examples: They share a quiet moment as the world crumbles around them. At this everyone in the Throne Room suddenly became quiet, and the kitten continued, in a calm, mocking tone of voice: It was anything but quiet as an open stairwell was next to me and I could hear shuffling, snoring, farting and grunting throughout the night. He knew I was adopted by my stepfather, but he wasn't sure what I'd been told, so he just kept quiet. It represents a kind of revolution, which is, typically, a … Why is it so quiet here? They came to the quiet church. "C'mere, Harmony," Gabe said, using his magic to project the quiet order across the lake. It's been quiet due to the cease-fire called by the Council, he explained. The couple spent most of the day quiet, holding each other, staying connected. Maybe the presence of the other two women was why Darcie was so quiet. At a moment when all was quiet before the commencement of a song, a door leading to the stalls on the side nearest the Rostovs' box creaked, and the steps of a belated arrival were heard. Sentence Examples In the harsh light cast by the sun against the snow, she appeared ghostly, unreal, eerily beautiful. The marketplace is eerily quiet, as many people are staying away in fear of catching the dreaded bird flu. "But, Anty, tell me -- you don't want always to be what you call quiet?". A peaceful quiet settled over them until she spoke again. Definition of Quiet. Commonly Confused Words: Quiet vs. Quite. cried the count, with a glance at his wife, who had turned pale and was staring fixedly at her son. Examples of Quiet in a sentence. How to use quiet in a sentence. Both men were just as happy to have the quiet of the jail cell so they could talk in private. Her silent treatment and quiet anger lasted through the long helo ride back to the secret comms center. Instead of the supportive response he expected, Kiki was quiet. He Transported himself into Yully's room and looked around briefly before stepping into the quiet hallway. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Randy's young girlfriend, Jenny, a bright and quiet little thing, arrived just after Dean and the four chatted easily before dinner. He was a very quiet guy, a very introspective fellow, 2. a quiet color おとなしい色. Our quiet mountain home was especially attractive and restful after the excitement and fatigue of our visit to the World's Fair. The quiet home life and peaceful happiness of Bald Hills presented itself to him. A'Ran pulled his opponent to his feet, offered several quiet words, and turned his gaze to her. Why is it so quiet here? Martha looked bewildered as she tried in vain to quiet Claire. She was quiet and reserved for a two year old. I must have made quite a spectacle. Dems blast Steele but remain quiet about Blue Dog and moderates also opposing Obama reform healthcare plan. She put her finger to her lips to quiet Dean. She closed the door, surprised at how quiet her room was. After once again setting up Dean's tent, this time in the dark, Fred suggested they go someplace quiet and talk. Bird Song was as quiet as an empty church with none of the remaining guests in evidence, nor was there any sign the police had returned. 例文帳に追加 彼は大人しくしていた。 - Weblio Email例文集 Please be quiet. I'm in another room now and I have to be quiet. While it was feasible, Quinn's equipment was cumbersome and there were the ever present problem of absolute quiet, not to mention the security issue. His overweight partner was as quiet as a fawn at dawn. "May the suns long grace you, gentle lady," he said in a quiet, gravelly voice. ‘He was quiet, unassuming - I liked him immensely, and I regret that I met him only once.’ ‘They are quiet, modest individuals that let you get on with your own thing.’ ‘He was quiet and calm and reflective and always helpful.’ ‘A very quiet individual, his gentlemanly manner endeared him to … Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. quiet を含む例文 34件 1-10件 Quiet [Be quiet]! 例文帳に追加 静かにして下さい - Weblio Email例文集 I am a quiet person. As a verb, quiet refers something becoming less loud. They lead a quiet life. [会話] 静かに(しろ), 騒ぐな. His eyes spotted the form he sought, and he wove his way through the crowd, trailing her down a quiet side street. But she didn't feel quite ready yet. CM 1 2244997 Be quiet now. You've been quiet for weeks - since we left Texas. He has a quiet humor that goes unnoticed if you're not paying close attention. Short & Simple Example Sentence For The Quiet | The Quiet Sentence. Kelli was quiet for a moment in surprise. "Yes, that was happiness," she then said in her quiet voice with its deep chest notes. The sun was warm and he walked with a slight limp but an easy stride, past the shops of the small central section to the west side of the quiet town. There was one pilgrim, a quiet pockmarked little woman of fifty called Theodosia, who for over thirty years had gone about barefoot and worn heavy chains. Rainy's voice was quiet, and Damian sensed his heartfelt gratitude. Pulgarin said he later realized that there were other vans that had also been vandalized when he saw police investigating othe graffiti on vehicles on what he described as a quiet block. The u/Quiet_Sentence_7676 community on Reddit. 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