Blue lightning is speedsters moving notably faster then their normal speed. Even from those who are not linked to the Speed Force, like Superman. Wiz: Well, yes and no, but mostly no. Wiz: Right, as Barry had survived the somehow-not-fatal accident, he unleashed the cosmic energy that would fuel speedsters alike for generations called, the Speed Force. He was once flicked by Superman hard enough to get sent flying into a hot dog stand. Quit wasting my time-. His entire body was yellow, his aura was raging, and his rage was high. No more pain, no more gain, and no more-. Flash: My "excuse" is that I'm trying to find my enemy, but its beyond your understanding considering you're a talking porcupine, step aside and let me fight my own battles. Have you not heard of me? With all this in mind, he could, theoretically, be able to change the molecular makeup of others, too. Boomstick: Plus, DC has confirmed through Action Comics that the universes of New 52 and Pre-Flashpoint are merged with Rebirth, meaning all versions can be comparable to one another with some minor but notable exceptions. Flash unfortunately ran right into it head-first, and bounced off of it, tumbling onto the ground. The speed steal wouldn't stop Super Sonic, but Wally still got that stolen speed for himself. Boomstick: Forget runnin', this guy looks at reality and spits in its face before givin' it a swirlie. Flash: I wasn't done with you yet. Flash: Do you feel that Sonic? He was stuck. Wiz: Flash has outran the Black Racer, a New God aspect of death itself that allowed him to run fast enough to enter a state of time travel, and even prove more then enough times that Superman isn't a match for Flash in a race for speed. Sonic was a statue again. Super Sonic also can casually erase other beings from existence with no thought put into it whatsoever, as if said being never existed in the first place. Assuming the DC universe follows the 100 trillion light-year span it possesses, Hals constructs would've had to flown over 2.465355435982e45 kilometres of distance, giving Hal speed capability of about 8.6765 duoquadragintillion times the speed of light. Popup: Despite being a "Roboticized Master" at the time, it is directly stated that Sonic's speed alone could resist time manipulation. I Can’t Believe He Actually Pulled This Off; Android 11 review: the most important settings; Try Not To Laugh Challenge #53 Flash: You like science? This ring grants an aura around Sonic that can guarantee the probability or prevention of his death, nullify opposing forces of magic, and even return some of his powers if they were to be taken away from him, even his own speed. Flash winked at Sonic and ran ahead, disappearing from the timestream ahead. A lot. Assuming Adam Stranges statement of how large a DC universe really is, 150 trillion lightyears in length, and assuming Superman traveled 100 light years per second, Superman would need to be moving at 3.15 sextillion times the speed of light, meaning Flash can scale directly above this due to being consistently faster then Superman. Pissing off Sonic immensely, he furiously began to punch Barry more and more, with Barry also punching him exchanging a flurry of punches. Flash grabbed Sonic mid-air, while he was still in Spin Dash form. Sonic cried out in pain. Sonic then proceeds to run around the Flash in circles, but for a reason. Wiz: The Reverse-Flash killed Barrys mother yes, but it wouldn't take Barry til' after a while to figure out who it really was and still hung onto the idea that his dad was in fact innocent. Wiz: The Speed Force also acts as a sort'ave processor or a calculator, being able to scan anything and see what will come or what he can do, such as the time he acquired a Green Lantern ring, the Speed Force essentially willed the infinite array of ideas that Barry could use the ring with all in just a moments notice. By Tohokari-Steel Watch. Cutting off all circulation, he cleaved Sonics entire arm off with phasing. The fight over, Wally West is left drifting alone to witness the inter-dimensional damage around him. Instead, he landed right in the middle of Antarctica, the harsh winter wonderland of the Earth. Sonic, confusingly followed. This makes it the fifth Death Battle to be on YouTube's Trending page, after, This is the third episode to use a map, after, This is the first episode to have its track cover be made in Blender, with the second and third ones being. Flash grabbed Sonic by the throat and held him in a choke-hold above in the air. Boomstick: And Sonic loves collecting those rings. But Sonic is! He could reverse a black hole generator with his momentum alone, which then imploded, somehow sending him 849,000 lightyears away. Downwards into the void, that is. He can run non-stop for multiple days. Sonic: Try to finesse this power, Flash...if you can. I’m tired of your games, Thawne. Sonic was flying for a few miles, before he recovered mid-air and landed by a forest. As we know, he survived the event that gave him those powers in the first place. And my business is dealing with the people who hurt the ones I love, and thats all that matters to me. Heck, DC even has a chart for you, the reader on DCs guide to speedsters. I did not remember Sonics abilities being a bunch of dick moves! Wiz: And to tie into that, Hal Jordan in Rebirth once traveled from the edge of the universe to catch up to Lightray, the New God of speed itself, and in doing so his sheer speed alone nearly made him enter the Speed Force, something Flash can do on a normal basis. Flash looked around and saw the destruction they were causing, and with a level of concern on his face, ran off away from the city almost instantly. He even searched the Solar System and beyond in moments in search for Spectre, and claimed to be able to search the entire universe. Sonic noticed Flash still in the middle of the tornado, continuously siphoning the wind of the tornado. Sonic looked at Flash...and winked. In fact, increasing the vibrational speed even further could break the universe. Thawne, satisfied and content that Barry had fallen for his trap, returned to the 21st century like nothing had happened and breathed a sigh of relief. Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all! Boomstick: It's Sonic the friggin' Hedgehog. Tails the Fox descended down upon his two allies. The latter released the Spin Dash, and the two collided, knocking each other back. Barry was confident that Thawne was somewhere in this universe or world too. Wiz: And finally, I know the obvious question is; but how come Flash is getting clowned on by goons ith fire and ice guns and CATWOMAN of all people? Wiz: Its essentially regeneration thanks to his molecules vibrating at such a high frequency that Flash can rearrange them whenever he wants because of how fast they react to the action of doing rearrangement. He saw the ring give Sonic much more stamina despite him just being incapacitated. Flash ran at Sonic again, but felt himself get stopped again. Boomstick: And a huge dork. You've mastered speed, but I've mastered fate! The Flashes have many more impressive feats of processing complex information instantly, such as learning construction and assembling a building in mere seconds. The two were locked in a beam clash, rupturing the Moon surface around them. Sonic: Say HELLO to Super Sonic! I’m on a mission to find someone that could threaten this world. DEATH BATTLE Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Well, it comes down to comparing their respective methods of removing opponents from the battlefield. Sonic eventually caught onto Flashes patterns, and was behind the Flash every time he tried to side step him. And more in numbers. Hit me with all your might. Wiz: Well Boomsticks' mimic voice, theres a catch. He rushes back into the fight but Ultra Sonic alters the ground's molecules, turning the surface into ice. Boomstick: Barry has can surface the entire universe in just a few moments just to find the Spectre, go so fast he generates enough power to shake the Microverse, the sky, New Genesis and Apokolips, and even the Green! Archie Sonic began racing right at Flash, and was quick to dodge, however Sonic was quick to react. Time hadn't been stopped per say, but to Flash light was essentially frozen. Based on the context that the fabric of reality was destroyed in their clash however, it could've ranged from a pocket dimension to a universe, although the panels later in which we see it don't paint a big picture about the zone. Boomstick: So damn tough that he was able to survive being launched across the span of 849,000 light years in a short timeframe like a champ! Couldn't speak or shout for help or panic. Sonic the Hedgehog is the titular protagonist of the video game franchise of the same name. Boomstick: Hell, he can enter it and bring enemies with him, and use it betterthan any other speedster can, which could allow him to surpass Wally West in speed, who at his peak could go 23,759,448,520,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times the speed of light, and reach Trans-Time velocity via absorbing the kinetic energy of billions of people on Earth! He picked up Sonic by his little neck, and began slamming him on the ground back and fourth. Wiz: And when it came to Ultra Sonic's ability to alter atomic structures, Wally possessed perfect control over his own individual molecules. Sonic couldn't make heads or tails of where he was. Then Flash decided to throw more onto Sonic, and threw four to five more rings onto him, each infused with electricity to shock Sonic. Flash looked down and saw Sonic, on the ground and defeated. They had answers to almost all of Wally's skills. But as fist meets head, the highly invincible hedgehog powers through dragging the Flash around the single planetoid many times. Sonic VS The Flashis an upcoming What If? Sonic readied his punch, smiled, and punched. I've got time." Like, can he still not swim in the comic books? Boomstick: Sonics definitely shown that he can go toe to toe with some tough heavy hitters like Ixis Naugus, who created the Zone of Silence outside of space and time, and the likes of Enerjak and God Sigma. Flash dashed and this time, he was about to stop holding back like he is doing most of the time, Wally West tried to punch Super Sonic through the mid-air by using Infinite Mass Punch, which had no effect on Super Sonic, The Flash decided to use Vortex Creation, sending Sonic to fly, then The Flash jumped upwards, and before Sonic screamed Chaos Control he got blitzed and crashed on the ground. Super Sonic is only step two to a three year plan retirement! Boomstick: Damn it I can't keep this up, can you just call him Eggman? Supercharged, he ran at Sonic. Boomstick: Every time Barry takes just one step of the Speed Force he generates more and more of it, as if existing outside of space and time isn't enough already. The Flash ran off into the distance to continue his search for the Reverse-Flash. … Boomstick: Right you are, Wiz! Lightning strikes. And it instantly used its intimidating aura to recreate Sonic, restoring him from death itself. Boomstick: Super Sonic made it near-impossible for the Flash to damage him, since Sonic took hits from a weakened Multi-Universal Enerjak avatar with no damage. What the fuck? Video details Flash VS Sonic (Wally West VS Archie Sonic) | DEATH BATTLE! Boomstick: But one man could save the day by running really, really, really fast. Wiz: Speed. When Darkseid spread his Anti-Life Equation across the universe, Barry casually put a little Speed Force lipstick on his kiss to break his wife from the effects of it, and yes the Anti-Life Equation is reality warping on a universal scale. You know, the one in the yellow suit? In order to find whatever is moving that fast, Sonic went through various loops, so Power Rings could assist him in giving him a speed boost. Flash: A little Flash Fact, Sonic: Rubbing your hands together makes them warm, correct? Flashes fist was fully energized and ready to meet a scared hedgehogs face. Ultra Sonic dive-bombed straight into the void of nothingness, disappearing in an instant. The CCPD helicopter saw it too. Both fleet-footed heroes kept going until they were on a road together again. Although Ultra Sonic is not as proficient, this ugly monster wizard uses the same chaos magic, and he changed a partial robot rabbit into a full regular rabbit. Wally smashes through that dimensional scene with an Infinite Mass Punch, shattering the Super Emerald and striking Sonic. Flash looked up at him. For the other hero named The Flash, see Barry Allen Wallace “Wally” West, AKA The Flash, is a superhero from DC Comics. Any strike would be perceived as lightspeed, so they both had to tread carefully. Flash stepped back in confusion. Wally: Dude, as soon as you finish your drink, turn yourself in. But since those rings must be important to you, maybe I should get some myself. Flash struggled to change his directions to throw Sonic off, and Sonic was still following him with absolute precision. Shooting down the road at the speed of light, another yellow and red blur parallel of colors to the original speedsters’ aura ran by. Next Death Battle: Archie Sonic vs The Flash. Barry felt himself collapse onto the rock, on his knees. As a last resort, he began to draw more energy from the Speed Force in hopes to resist the beam through sheer willpower. So the only important thing to do was kill his mom. The result was an explosion that made a giant crater, big enough to cover the length of the average skyscraper. Sonic kicked it out of Flashes hand before he could finish his sentence and then kicked Flash in the face with the other leg, knocking the ring out of Flashes hand in the process. While on paper it might've seemed incredibly high end in terms of destruction, there was a catch. I don't care what your purpose is, thats a threat if I've ever seen one! Sonic couldn't see anything, and Flash counted on that. Sonic: I told you, “Flash” either leave...or you stay and fight. Wiz: Even with those unimaginable feats, Wally's greatest challenge was proving his worth to himself. Snart? Flash: Damn it, get off me! Sonic then used the water ball against Flash, by hitting Flash with it from the chin. 22 Favourites. As he got closer to Sonic, he readied his fist and embraced for impact. Wiz: In the midst of Robotniks conquest, a child, or more specifically a baby hedgehog was born that day. The hedgehog's confidence bounces back. Flash looked shocked and somewhat nervous. Sonic put his hand on his hip and twirled the ring on his finger with a smug grin. Boomstick: Well in this case it'd be meeting my dad! One of Sonics levitating Chaos Emeralds was placed into his hand. Flash: Oh, but I see, this is a dimension. 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