Carriere's researches (1897) on the make its appearance simultaneously throughout the whole length of embryology of the mason bee (Chalicodoma) agree entirely with the the plate; the anterior parts are segmented before the posterior. My advice is to let them alone tonight and they will think we have run, Upon investigation he found to his surprise that it was a man, and, He seemed tired and careworn, but reported that his trip had been, Why, no one could read my writing, and my nautical science is, It is a confusion of falsehood and negation, from which Plato himself is not, He felt that he had embarked upon an enterprise greater than his capacity, for which he was in many ways, She was looked upon as something better than the common run of our townsfolk, and kept almost, Lawrence ordered one of the teamsters who had not, Its infinite complication, as well as its stupendous magnitude, places it, I was ambitious in several ways, but I had. In Turgot's proposed system landed proprietors alone were to form the electorate, no distinction being made between the three orders; the members of the town and country municipalites were to elect representatives for the district municipalites, which in turn would elect to the provincial municipalites, and the latter to a grande municipalite, which should have no legislative powers, but should concern itself entirely with the administration of taxation. Trade is almost entirely with Orange River Colony and Cape Colony. Parker broke, as most will allow, entirely fresh ground by communicating to the Zoological Society a memoir " On the Osteology of Balaeniceps," subsequently published in that Society's Transactions (iv. The gift of "coronary gold" (aurum coronarium), presented to the emperor on certain occasions, was entirely remitted in the case of Italy, and partly in the case of the provinces. Two-thirds of the population are dependent entirely on cultivation for their support, and this is mainly rice on irrigated land. How obligated was she to make amends for something an entirely different person had done? It has an extraordinary power over the pain of acute gout; it lessens the severity and frequency of the attacks when given continuously between them, and it markedly controls such symptoms of gout as eczema, bronchitis and neuritis, whilst it is entirely inoperative against these conditions when they are not of gouty origin. Its date is now usually given as about Soo B.C. Get the words in the right order. A more entirely novel and more general principle of Kant's attack upon theism is the challenge of our right to build up the idea of God bit by bit out of different arguments. The mosaic representing Christ surrounded by the four-and-twenty elders," which originally lined the cupola, had almost entirely perished by the 19th century, but was restored in 1882 from a copy made in the 17th century. Certain kinds of copying inks are greatly improved by the substitution of glycerin, in part or entirely, for the sugar or honey usually added. It is entirely in what zone? Its population in 1907 was 16,810, almost entirely Mussulman. 1. In 180r the bailiwicks to the west of the Rhine were absorbed by France; in 1809 the Order was entirely suppressed, and its lands went to the secular principalities in which they lay. Windthorst was undoubtedly one of the greatest of German parliamentary leaders: no one equalled him in his readiness as a debater, his defective eyesight compelling him to depend entirely upon his memory. The of the evolution of the ganglioncells is probably similar; an epithelial cell develops processes of nervous nature from the base, which come into connexion with the bases of the sensory cells, with the muscular cells, and with the similar processes of other nerve-cells; next the nerve-cell loses its connexion with the outer epithelium and becomes a sub-epithelial ganglion-cell which is closely connected with the muscular layer, conveying stimuli from the sensory cells to the contractile elements. The genus Pyrophorus contains about ninety species, and is entirely confined to America and the West Indies, ranging from the southern United States to Argentina and Chile. In those Euthyneura in which the shell is entirely absent in the adult, it is, except in the three genera Cenia, Runcina and Vaginula, developed in the larva and then falls off. Its southern extremity penetrates into the high plateau of Asia, and the lake lies entirely in the Alpine zone which fringes that plateau on the north-west. At .the Synod of Lhota (1167), they broke away entirely from the papacy, elected - ministers of their own, and had Michael Bradacius consecrated a bishop by Stephan, a bishop of the Waldenses. | To the exclusion of others. Of the progress of the art in Scotland, till towards the end of the 17th century, we are almost entirely ignorant. Moreover, the study of the theory of rent has had a very great influence on all branches of economics by destroying the notion that it is possible to draw sharp lines of distinction, or deal with economic conceptions as though they were entirely independent categories. a mile or less, and the money obtained from third-class travellers forms by far the most important item in the revenue from passenger traffic. Guaranteed satisfaction with your rephrased sentences or your money would be refunded. The library is supported almost entirely by municipal appropriations, though holding also considerable trust funds ($388,742 in 1905). It is very easy to use this free online sentence rewriting tool. Although entirely naked in summer, these cats developed in winter a slight growth of hair on the back and the ridge of the tail. Unlike her sister Mary, who had fallen a victim to Henry's solicitations,' Anne had no intention of being the king's mistress; she meant to be his queen, and her conduct seems to have been governed entirely by motives of ambition. In 1771 he was appointed regius professor of divinity, but did not entirely renounce the study of chemistry. The complainer entirely overlooks the fact that this is the kind of music in which such a phrase will certainly be heard again before we have time to forget it; and as a matter of fact the strings promptly repeat it fortissimo in a position which nothing can overpower. Drew continued to work at his trade till 1805, when he entered into an engagement with Dr Thomas Coke, a prominent Wesleyan official, which enabled him to devote himself entirely to literature. I say "boys" advisedly because we are talking almost entirely about male behaviour. Maimonides had brought Jewish thought entirely under the domination of Aristotle. The town, which is situated on the English Channel at the mouth of the small river Fécamp, consists almost entirely of one street upwards of 2 m. The bank of the river is entirely lined with stone, and there are many very fine ghats or landing-places built by pious devotees, and highly ornamented. Although the rise of the Hebrew state, at an age when the great powers were quiescent and when such a people as the Philistines is known to have appeared upon the scene, is entirely intelligible, it is not improbable that legends of Saul and David, the heroic founders of the two kingdoms, have been put in a historical setting with the help of later historical tradition. It is entirely up to you where we go, as I'll be happy with anywhere. Educational interests were almost entirely neglected during the colonial and territorial periods. : When the Second World War broke out the orchestra's plans had to be almost completely changed. have become, or are transforming themselves into, absolutely cursorial forms; some members of one group live entirely on seeds, while others have become fierce fishers, and so forth. The cake hadn't entirely been eaten, so some was saved for later. Simply visit our site and go to an online form. Here is an outstanding descriptive essay introduction example for your help. to 44.4 The climatic conditions of the western districts of the state are entirely different from those of the other two regions. For the first time since creation, the survival of the Earth is entirel It is a simple process and takes very little time to set up. They are skilful hunters, however, catch fish by in geniously constructed traps, and live almost entirely on jungle-roots of these people is found in Upper Perak, and the members of this clan have acquired some knowledge of the art of planting, &c. They they have been raided by the latter, and many Negritos are to be found in captivity in some of the Malayan villages on the eastern side of the peninsula. Distributive co-operation is confined almost entirely to Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Venetia, Emilia and Tuscany, and is practically unknown in Basilicata, the Abruzzi and Sardinia. As far as Terracina it ran in an almost entirely straight line, even through the Alban Hills, where the gradients are steep. "That's a different issue entirely," she said. The Jews of the Karaite sect differ entirely from the orthodox Jews both in worship and in mode of life. She claimed not, but he wasn't entirely certain. The basis of the new system, which was almost entirely Field's work, was the abolition of the existing distinction in forms of procedure between suits in law and equity requiring separate actions, and their unification and simplification in a single action. The acromyodian type is restricted almost entirely to the Oscines. Its "'ar' execution in Basutoland, however, proved an extremely difficult task, and was never entirely accomplished. Legislation had to be entirely reformed, and the bill for abolIshing the special jurisdiction for the clergy (foro ecclesiastico) and other medieval privileges aroused the bitter opposition of the Vatican as well as of the Piedmontese clericals. parts of the polyp; or (3) entirely by its Hot.U.S., iv. In stems with open bundles the formation of cambium and secondary tissue may be confined to these, when it is sard to be entirely fascicular. The ordinary colour of the wolf is yellowish or fulvous grey, but almost pure white and entirely black wolves are known. The mound may be of earth, or of stones with a covering of earth, or may be entirely composed of stones. The author designates the story of the later empire at Constantinople (after Heraclius) as " a uniform tale of weakness and misery," a judgment which is entirely false; and in accordance with this doctrine, he makes the empire, which is his proper subject, merely a string for connecting great movements which affected it, such as the Saracen conquests, the Crusades, the Mongol invasions, the Turkish conquests. To join two complete sentences without using and, but, and similar words. On the 7th of July he took his seat in the Assembly, and on the 2nd of October both he and Mirabeau were declared by the Assembly entirely free of any complicity in the events of October. She felt that the allurements instinct had formerly taught her to use would now be merely ridiculous in the eyes of her husband, to whom she had from the first moment given herself up entirely--that is, with her whole soul, leaving no corner of it hidden from him. The Swedish army now began to suffer severely, bread and fodder running short, and the soldiers subsisting entirely on captured bullocks. In April 1920 the Cabinet was reconstructed, Stamboliiski remaining as Premier, Minister for War and of Foreign Affairs in a Cabinet composed entirely of his own followers. From that point southwards the river becomes the boundary between the Shan States and Tongking for some 200 m., the channel of the river defining the limits of occupation (though not entirely of interest) between French and British subjects. It is tempting to say that but entirely wrong. These were entirely subterranean, and little is now to be seen on the site but a great tumulus, the Cucumella, and a few smaller ones. it was to be recruited entirely from Eton. One of the fourteen sections of the Satapathabrahmana, the tenth, called Agni-rahasya or "the mystery of Agni (the god and altar)," is entirely devoted to this feature of the sacrificial symbolism. The household servants or dependents attached to the personal service of their masters were merely set free; and they entirely went to reinforce the town proletariat. His version of the accident was entirely different from the story Ryland said Edith told him. 59. Then suddenly I thought of another matter entirely. A second synod, composed entirely of bishops, determined that Origen must be deposed from the presbyterial status. There was only one expression on her agitated face when she ran into the drawing room--that of love--boundless love for him, for her, and for all that was near to the man she loved; and of pity, suffering for others, and passionate desire to give herself entirely to helping them. CK 1 3023893 Tom didn't look entirely … By the law of 1905 all the churches ceased to be recognized or supported by the state and became entirely separated therefrom, while the adherents of all creeds were permitted to form associations for public worship (associations cultuelles), upon which the expenses of maintenance were from that time to devolve. The Salmonidae are entirely absent from the waters of southern Asia, though they exist in the rivers that flow into the Arctic Ocean and the neighbouring parts of the northern Pacific, extending perhaps to Formosa; and trout, though unknown in Indian rivers, are found beyond the watershed of the Indus, in the streams flowing into the Caspian. After being almost entirely wrecked by Norman raiders it was rebuilt, on the original lines, in 983, by the emperor Otto III. He'd gone away for a few months and returned to an entirely new world. The predicate part of the sentences begins with the verb. Definition of entirely adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. - As in the other Semitic languages, these stand almost entirely outside the system of triliteral roots, being mainly derived from certain demonstrative letters or particles. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Otherwise the Californian flora is entirely deficient in the characteristic features of that of eastern North America. In some instances colleges are supported entirely by one county, as is the Holmes Chapel College, Cheshire; in others a college is supported by several affiliated counties, as in the case of the agricultural department of the University College, Reading, which acts in connexion with the counties of Berks, Oxon, Hants and Buckingham. He'd gone away for a few months and returned to an entirely new world. Read your writing out loud. In the extreme north (Commagene) the highlands are almost entirely held by Kurds who entered from beyond Euphrates in comparatively recent times. CK 1 2953928 We're not entirely sure. 1655), wrote almost entirely on scientific subjects. 257+39 sentence examples: 1. Subject → Verb: easy to follow. Originally Mississippi was almost entirely covered with a growth of forest trees of large size, mostly deciduous; and in 1900 about seven-tenths of its area was still classed as timber-land. )n the 22nd Prussia, without consulting Italy, made an armisI with Austria, while Italy ob~a~ned an eight days truce on fdition of evacuating the Trentino, which had almost entirely fallen into the hands of Garibaldi and his volunteers. They also contributed to sacred literature themselves in the composition of new psalms. The skull and sternum were at the time unknown, and indeed the whole order, without doubt entirely extinct, rested exclusively on the celebrated fossil, then unique, Archaeopteryx. Since 1880 the city has been almost entirely renovated in the " European " style; the narrow tortuous lanes and mean houses of the Turkish epoch have almost disappeared, and a new town with straight parallel streets has been constructed in the eastern suburb. Seeing that the younger boy was almost entirely ignorant of French, he took him with Joseph to the college at Autun at the close of the year 1778. It always consists of true parenchyma, and is entirely formed by the cutting off of segments from an apical cell. This shows a considerable improvement, largely, but not entirely, in the diminution of infant mortality; the expectation of life at birth in 1882, it is true, was only 33 years and 6 months, and at three years of age 56 years I month; but the increase, both in the expectation of life and in its average duration, goes all through the different ages. Francesco, as it has been called since 1261, when it came into the possession of the Franciscans, has been almost entirely modernized, except for the crypt and campanile (11th century). This second set of sentences is more difficult to understand because the use of the nominalization means there must be more words in the sentence. 30. The changes that take place involve a revolution in the being, and may be summarized under three headings: (I) The food-relations of the individual are profoundly changed, an entirely different set of mouth-organs appears and the kind and quantity of the food taken is often radically different. 1. In physical character Cambay is entirely an alluvial plain. The ecclesiastical unit in episcopacy is a diocese, comprising many churches and ruled by a prelate; in congregationalism it is a single church, self-governed and entirely independent of all others; in Presbyterianism it is a presbytery or council composed of ministers and elders representing all the churches within a specified district. They are thick (over 150 pages), use simple sentences, equipped with furigana and not to mention, the price cost the same as a 10-20 pages children book! North of this is the deep bay called in ancient times the Gulf of Iasus (now known as the Gulf of Mendeliyah), and beyond this again was the deeper inlet which formerly extended inland between Miletus and Priene, but of which the outer part has been entirely filled up by the alluvial deposits of the Maeander, while the innermost arm, the ancient Latmic Gulf, is now a lake. The early history of Sardinia is entirely unknown.'. The Mongolians of the northern half of Asia are almost entirely nomadic, hunters and shepherds or herdsmen. How to Diagram A Sentence Start with the key elements: subject and verb. The advance of Russia in Asia is entirely different from that of the other powers, since it has taken place by land and not by sea. It was almost entirely rebuilt after a destructive fire in 1834, and ranks among the handsomest provincial towns in Austria. Next in date comes the huge temple G, which, as an inscription proves, was dedicated to Apollo; though it was never entirely completed (many of the columns still remain unfluted), it was in use. Keeping the electoral machinery almost unchanged (save that the lists of notables were to be permanent) Bonaparte entirely altered the upper parts of the constitutional pyramid reared by the philosopher. The plantations are almost entirely owned by the government and Europeans, but the rice mills are in the hands of Chinese. Pierre did not look out at the battlefield and was not concerned to know what was happening there; he was entirely absorbed in watching this fire which burned ever more brightly and which he felt was flaming up in the same way in his own soul. The Tracheophonae among the Passeriformes, the possessors of this specialized although low type of syrinx, form a tolerably well-marked group, entirely neotropical. 1. As the little water-drop poured into a large measure of wine seems to lose its own nature entirely and to take on both the taste and the colour of the wine; or as iron heated red-hot loses its own appearance and glows like fire; or as air filled with sunlight is transformed into the same brightness so that it does not so much appear to be illuminated as to be itself light - so must all human feeling towards the Holy One be self-dissolved in unspeakable wise, and wholly transfused into the will of God. She gasped, discouraged to find herself somewhere else entirely. The last-named lake has now been almost entirely dried up by the cutting of a channel, which conducts its feeders directly to the Orontes. The drainage of Manitoba is entirely northeastward to Hudson Bay. Croce) has been almost entirely rebuilt since 1844. For widows or deep mourning the peculiar cut of the local costume is preserved, but carried out entirely in black. Trade is carried on almost entirely with the United Kingdom; the approximate annual value of exports is £120,000, and of imports a little more than half that sum. Spirito), erected by Theodoric for the Arian bishops, but entirely modified: the baptistery of this church (afterwards the oratory of S. Maria Maggiore, founded by the Archbishop Ecclesius (521-534), but almost entirely rebuilt; and S. but entirely composed of wooden houses, penetrated in all directions by canals, wherefore bridges and boats are needed for the wayfarer. The poplars are almost entirely confined to the north temperate zone, but a few approach or even pass its northern limit, and they are widely distributed within that area; they show, like the willows, a partiality for moist ground and often line the river-sides in otherwise treeless districts. Another form of coupler, which used to be universal in the United States, though it has now been almost entirely superseded by the automatic coupler, was the " link and pin," which differed fundamentally from the couplers commonly used in Europe, in the fact that it was a buffer as well as a coupler, no :side buffers being fitted. The game consisted almost entirely of strategy, and it was dark outside before she realized how long she'd been at it. The temple, which is entirely of Pentelic marble, the Acro- is amphiprostyle tetrastyle, with fluted Ionic columns, polls. Here palm trees, which had begun to appear singly at Deir, grow in large groves, the olive disappears entirely, and we have definitely passed over from the Syrian to the Babylonian, flora and climate. Cremnoconchus, entirely aerial, Indian. of Sura, often called al-Fayyumi (of the Fayum in Egypt), one of the greatest representatives of Jewish learning of all times, who died in 942. He was like a man entirely absorbed in some occupation. Beans are almost entirely confined to England, and this is even more the case with peas. Under the system of grazing practised throughout Australia it is customary to allow sheep, cattle and horses to run at large all the year round within enormous enclosures and to depend entirely upon the natural growth of grass for their subsistence. Among many Oligochaeta the dorsal blood-vessel is partly or entirely a double tube, which is a retention of a character shown by F. Vezhdovsky has lately seen reasons for regarding the blood system as originating entirely from the hypoblast by the secretion of fluid, the blood, from particular intestinal cells and the consequent formation of spaces through pressure, which become lined with these cells. It is largely covered by the mantle in some Fissurellidae, is entirely internal in Pupilia and absent in Titiscaniidae. Rhyn ran after him, feeling alive as they raced through the enchanted forest towards a fate he wasn't entirely certain how to handle yet. OLD] at least suggest that the destruction of the state was not entirely a disaster. In the yeast cell it accumulates and disappears very rapidly according to the conditions of nutrition and is sometimes so abundant as to fill the cell almost entirely (Errera, 1882, 1895: Wager and Peniston, 1910). In the parts of the state settled by people from New England township meetings were held in the early days, but their functions were gradually transferred, , to the trustees, and by 1820 the meetings had been given up almost entirely. The dockyard was first constructed by French engineers; but after 1875 the work passed entirely into the hands of Japanese engineers. It has been asserted that the tentaculocysts are entirely ectodermal and that either the family should be placed amongst the Leptomedusae, or should form, together with certain Leptomedusae, an entirely distinct order. The manufacture of cigars and cigarettes (almost entirely of cigars, few cigarettes being manufactured), carried on chiefly by Cubans at Key West and Tampa, also increased in importance between 1890 and 1900, the products in the latter year being valued at $10,735,826, or more than one-quarter more than in 1890, and in 1905 there was a further increase of 56.2%, the gross value being $16,764,276, or nearly one-third of the total factory product of the state. 641 there are no remains of mosques there earlier than the 13th century, and the oldest example at Tabriz is evidently, as far as its plan is concerned, a copy of a Byzantine church, departing entirely therefore from the normal plans.'. The operations consisted almost entirely of manoeuvres which had for their object the obtaining or the denial to the enemy of food-supplies. Most interesting is the avifauna of the Sandwich islands; entirely devoid of Psittaci and of Coraciiformes, these islands show an extraordinary development of its peculiar family Drepanidae, which are probably of South or Central American descent. Dolet, &c. For a time her influence with her brother, to whom she was entirely devoted, and whom she visited when he was imprisoned in Spain, was effectual, but latterly political rather than religious considerations made him discourage Lutheranism, and a fierce persecution was begun against both Protestants and freethinkers, a persecution which drove Des Periers to suicide and brought Dolet to the stake. With carefully dried paper of a special quality, has practically entirely superseded private.! Being no endodermal muscles in craspedote medusae and its promise of endless admiration entirely! Are entirely false for settlement, proved an extremely difficult task, and is entirely without foundation to consist of. 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