Make sure you know how to assess the status of the soil before watering. Extended periods of dryness can result in brown leaf tips or edges. Use the larger amounts of water if the plant is in strong light or has dried out more than the recommended amount. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This plant is grown for its colorful leaves rather than its diminutive flow… If the soil turns out to be quite clumped, you can soak it in water or use a gardening hose to free up the roots. For this reason, when having alocasias as houseplants we must water them often to keep their substrate moist at all times. Maintain a regular watering schedule and keep the soil of your Alocasia Purple Sword moist, but not wet or saturated. Another interesting variety is the Alocasia Micholitziana, which features velvety leaves in emerald green and strong white veins. Next to adequate light, proper watering is the next most important thing in keeping your Alocasia amazonica in good shape. Amazon elephant's ear (Alocasia amazonica), with its large two-tone leaves, is an ornamental plant that's hard to miss. This AlocAsia amazonica bulb was submerged in leca on 10.11.20 and as you can see after 45 days or so it’s rooting well and giving a new shoot also.It feels … The Alocasia Polly, also known as the Alocasia x Amazonica and African Mask Plant is a very recognizable plant that you'll probably have seen before on social media or in gardening stores. Because of the need to keep the soil constantly moist but not soggy, the potting mix should be lightweight and well draining. The moisture requirement of the soil can be explained by looking at the natural habitat of the plant’s parents, which usually grow near a water source, having their roots exposed to constantly moist soil. Alocasia plants thrive in free draining soil, check that pots have good drainage. When you decide to transfer your Alocasia to a bigger pot, you can also take advantage of the situation and propagate the plant. Leave the water running for about 5 minutes or so. Email: Website:, Copyright © 2016 - Woon Leng Nursery Pte Ltd. The Alocasia Amazonica can be easily recognized by its stunning dark green, long, heart-shaped leaves and whitish/light green veins. Because these plants don’t mind a slighty cramped environment it’s … Also be sure to always use a pot with a drainage hole so any excess water can easily escape. This isn’t a plant you can simply forget about but, if you feed and water it regularly, it’ll give you an astonishing amount of new growth in return. Synonyms Alocasia amazonica. Once you’ve successfully divided them, place the offset in its own growing pot and offer it similar conditions as the mother plant received. Actual plant colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo. I’ve created this website to help beginners care for their plants. * Kindly take note when you’re purchasing matching pot, the diameter has to be larger than the rootball size. Water African mask plants when the top layer of soil is dry. In the spring, plants are often smaller than plants shipped in the fall. CARE: Water regularly during the first 12 weeks or until the plant is established. I mentioned that the Alocasia Amazonica is a hybrid of the Alocasia sanderiana and the Alocasia longiloba. Find a location in your home where the plant can receive plenty of indirect sunlight. Daily 9:00AM - 6:00PM (Including Public Holidays), Address: 70 Jalan Lekar, Singapore 698949 Once you’ve exposed the roots, you’ll see that your Alocasia is actually made up of multiple clumps and likely some offsets (baby plants) as well. Leaf arrow-shaped shield, 30 ~ 40 cm long, 10 ~ 20 cm wide, apex acute, sometimes caudate tip. Your best bet at propagating this plant is by dividing the offsets from the mother plant and replanting them. Alocasia Amazonica is a perennial herb. Therefore, it is important to water frequently enough to keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy, especially during the growing seasons of spring throughout summer. Required fields are marked *. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The leaves of this variety grow upright and feature purplish green and black colors. It's large and odd-shaped leaves with bright nerves will jump at you from a distance. This is a natural process and you should not be alarmed. A further reason for leaves turning yellow could be that the plant is getting too much or too little water. The leaves of your alocasia can turn pale if the plant isn’t getting enough light. One common reason is a lack of humidity, which can be easily managed if you increase the humidity around the plant using the tray of pebbles method, misting the plant or simply getting a humidifier. Yes, the Alocasia Amazonica is an all-around toxic plant, so be careful with where you keep it and how you handle it. This refers to their polypoid nature, although this was later proved wrong, thus strengthening the idea that the A. amazonica and A. poly could indeed be the same plants. These plants LOVE their water and do not take neglect very kindly. I earn a commission if you make a purchase through my referral links. The ideal temperature range for the Alocasia Amazonica is between 65 F and 80 F. This is not a frost-tolerant plant and even temperatures dipping slightly below 60 F will trigger a dormancy state. Other names include Elephant’s Ear and African Mask plant. If you appreciate foliage plants, the Alocasia Amazonica is certainly a plant you might want to add to your houseplant collection. The soil that I use is a combination of one part potting mix, one part peat, one part orchid mix. You must keep the soil damp during the growing season without soaking too much as rot can occur and only water with distilled water. Learn how to grow it indoors. The cultivation requirements of the Alocasia Amazonica aren’t difficult to meet, especially if this isn’t the first tropical plant in your care. Despite its name, this plant does not originate from the rainforests of the Amazon. You can work your way around this issue if you invest in a humidifier. In their native environment, the parents of Alocasia Amazonica can usually be found growing near a source of water where their roots stay moist. Water your Alocasia x amazonica 'Polly' regularly and do not allow the root ball to dry out. Alocasia Amazonica (in water culture pot) When it comes to the natural beauty of Alocasia Amazonica , also known as Alocasia Polly, it is all about the elaborate tropical foliage. Morphological characteristics of Alocasia Amazonica. You should also avoid allowing the soil to dry out. 1. You might want to consider moving the plant to the bathroom or kitchen if light conditions are adequate and there’s noticeably higher humidity levels. You can create rainforest style compost for it with peat and orchid bark and it will grow well in aerated, well-drained soil. You can substitute the peat with sphagnum moss or perlite. The ribs on the leaves will also turn whiter. Avoid excessive direct sunlight. As for pest problems, spider mite infestations can happen, so it’s best to be proactive and keep the leaves clean and apply insecticidal soaps or neem to the underside of the leaves. Alocasia Polly is also known by the Latin name Alocasia (x) Amazonica. The plant needs evenly moist soil but it’s important to avoid the soil from becoming soggy. Slow-release fertilizers are also a good option. Monitor the soil and water whenever the top of the soil starts to feel dry. Feed with plant food for leafy plants during the growing season. Rain water at room temperature is preferable. Monitor the soil and water whenever the top of the soil starts to feel dry. Simply snip off any old growth. Alocasia Amazonica Water Requirements. Plants designated with a sku ending in -4, -6 or -8 will arrive in a standard 4 inch, 6 inch or 8 inch round growers pot respectively. The new growth will be beautiful too. The Alocasia Amazonica is a hybrid of Alocasia sanderiana and Alocasia longiloba, both native to tropical Asia. How to Care for Alocasia Amazonica ‘Polly’. Actually, EVERYTHING I’m mentioning in this blog post is probably equally important so take note. Your email address will not be published. How to care for Alocasia Amazonica leaves rot. When grown in preferred conditions and given proper care, this hybrid Alocasia will grace your indoors with its lush growth and distinctly coloured leaves for years to come. Alocasia likes it very humid so spray the plant generously and regularly with rain water. Even mild light conditions can cause the leaves to fade, so make sure to choose a location where the plant will get the optimal level of light. The deep-green leaves with strong, silvery or white veins can grow to about 16 inches. Root rot, however, is common in Alocasias that are being overwatered. All Amazonica Poly Alocasia Plants for sale will vary in size. Alocasia is also the Colocasia on steroids.....the leaves are HUGE on a lot of these plants. The simple solution to this problem is to start watering the plant less often than you do. Continue to care for it, and the rapid growth will return the following growing season. Alocasia Macrorrhiza "Stingray" A. macrorrhiza "Stingray" has the mottled and distinct looking stems as well as the slender and taller appearance of A. zebrina.However it looses both the arrowhead shaped leaves and the "veins" of A. amazonica.. I don’t recommend clay pots or terracotta ones for Alocasia Amazonica plants because these will dry out faster than regular plastic pots. The plant was created by crossing the Alocasia sanderiana and the Alocasia longiloba in 1950, in Miami, Florida. Even at its maximum height and width, these are manageable sizes, and the plant won’t overtake all the available space in your home. Large, they can reach 2 ft. in length (60 cm) and 1 ft. in width (30 cm). Once the plant is in its dormant period (in the late fall and winter), it will begin resting. But what’s impressive about it is how easy it is to grow and maintain indoors. You don’t want it to retain too much water for too long. When dividing, make sure you gently pull the roots away from the main plant and that you identify as many roots as possible connected to the offset. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Here you can use one that’s mixed into the potting soil or one the granular kind that’s applied on top of the soil. A hybrid of A.Deriana and A.Lowii.Stem shortened, often with 6 ~ 4 leaves. If your plant has grown significantly, you’ll need to transfer your plant into a pot a size bigger. In the past few years, it’s become a lot more popular due to the unique and photogenic leaves. It goes by several other names too, such as Elephant Ear Plant, Alocasia Polly, and African Mask Plant. When it comes to the natural beauty of Alocasia Amazonica, also known as Alocasia Polly, it is all about the elaborate tropical foliage. 50% humidity or higher may be difficult to achieve in some homes. As for humidity, it’s ideal to offer the plant high humidity levels. Keep this plant away from cats, dogs and children and make sure that the sap of the plant does not get on your skin (it’s an irritant). The rapid leaf growth will be quite diminshed and the plant will likely remain as-is throughout the season. Water the African Mask plant when the top 1” (2.5 cm) of soil is dry and mist the large leaves to increase humidity. Resembling the ears of an elephant, lustrous, brilliant green, paddle-shaped leaves are borne on strong stems. In nature, the parents of Alocasia Amazonica grow near sources of water and organic matter, making their roots always wet. Your email address will not be published. Time to transplant one of my favorite - Alocasia Amazonica / #Alocasia Polly! Fertilize every two weeks during the growing season. Therefore, despite its beauty, the plant is a potential health hazard, so keep it away from kids and pets, and wear protective gloves when handling it. Alocasia Amazonica appeared rotten leaf shall promptly remove rotten leaves, and carbendazim solution against the water will be diluted 1000 times spray on the plant, placing it in a ventilation environment maintenance. In the sections below, I put together a thorough Alocasia Amazonica plant care guide that will answer your concerns with cultivating this plant indoors. You need to water your Alocasia thoroughly until you see the water leaking out of the draining holes. There is Alocasia Amazonica(which I've planted in pots near my water fountain during my days of the small patio gardening), Borneo giant, Calidora, California, Sarian, Freydek, and many many others. Alocasia Polly leaves dripping or weeping is a sign that the soil is either too moist or is not saturated well. Bright indirect light, high humidity, good soil drainage and a correct watering regimen will keep your Alocasia growing healthy. Undoubtedly, the plant has the typical requirements of a tropical plant including warmth and high humidity. Make sure you assess your watering regimen so that you don’t overwater the plant but you also don’t deprive it of water. It’s also just as hungry for sunlight as it is for nutrients. The bloom, however, may not be up to your expectations as it’s a greenish-yellow spathe that’s not particularly attractive. And while the plant does require constantly moist soil, moist soil does not equal soggy soil. The only way to produce new plants is to get bulbs from the soil, or if a bulb starts growing on its own and a new plant pops up from the soil. Do NOT try to take cuttings from an Alocasia, it will never work. It’s best to schedule a transfer at the beginning of the growing season. To complete this plant profile on the Alocasia Amazonica, here are some further facts that might come useful to you in caring for this plant: There are usually two reasons for yellowing leaves on your Alocasia plant. Because you need the soil to stay moist, you need to pick a pot that doesn’t dry out too quickly. Its high calcium oxalate content can cause irritation, swelling and a host of gastrointestinal problems. Plant Size: Approx. Alocasia Amazonica Bambino is a gorgeous plant with a petite size, perfect for your coffee tables and shelves. If 'Alocasia polly' is searched on the web, you'll be surprised to find that the original name for this hybrid was the A. poly with only one 'L'. Or also Alocasia Amazonica Polly. to wake them I put it on a heating mat and when it did not sprout, kept pouring more hot water on it! Another reason for leaves turning yellow is that the plant is producing new growth and replacing old ones. In terms of nursery sales, this hybrid is commonly available as a houseplant. For the plant to keep its healthy green colors, it needs to be kept in a location where it gets bright indirect light. There are around 70 species of Alocasia plants and dozens of hybrids that were created because of the appealing shape and color of leaves. in short the best info i got was on the british forum Avoid exposing your Alocasia Amazonica to direct sunlight, particularly if you live in an area with hot temperatures and intense sunlight. To maintain the plant’s deep green coloration, it needs bright, indirect light, otherwise its colors will fade, and the plant stops developing. You need to water your Alocasia thoroughly until you see the water leaking out of the draining holes. The naming for Alocasia is generally very confusing because on the one hand there are many species and, on the other hand, there are many hybrids on the market. Its prominently veined and large, arrow-shaped leaves are the main features of this tropical plant. But there are other varieties too like the Alocasia watsoniana, a giant variety with almost black leaves. Fertiliser: Recommends slow-release nitrocote or organic lactobacius Aquis fertilizer. The seeds that remain after the bloom dries out are not suitable for propagation as they’re sterile. Tel: 65-67602064 Fax: 65-64688417 The plant needs evenly moist soil but it’s important to avoid the soil from becoming soggy. How to Care for Alocasia Amazonica (Elephant Ear Plant) To care for Alocasia elephant ear plants, grow the potted houseplants in bright indirect light. Alocasia amazonica thrives in temperatures between 65°F and 80°F (18°C – 26°C) and moderate humidity. A variety that does best in partial shade to partial sun is the Alocasia Sarawakensis also known as Yucatan Princess. Pot Type: Sold with waterculture container as shown. Sunlight: Partial sunlight, filtered light. * Product photo shown is for reference only. This is not a drought-tolerant indoor plant, but it is relatively forgiving if you forget to water it from time to time. If possible, water in the morning (so they are dry overnight) and from below, at the root zone, to keep the leaves from getting too wet. Alocasias need to be watered frequently. the guy there applied heat and lots of moisture - in spring , mind you! Alocasia Amazonica Water Requirements. If you don’t have a lot of experience with plants, getting this particular species will be a good idea. Allow running slowly running water to wash away mineral salts. In other words, the plant has more water than needed. Family Araceae . 20-25 cm H (vary in sizes). You can repot your Alocasia polly or Alocasia amazonica during Spring if it has outgrown its current container. In keeping your Alocasia Polly leaves dripping or weeping is a hybrid of the Alocasia Amazonica ), with large. 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