My cat got into silicone oil I use for painting and she licked some. We try our best to keep all these items locked up but with 2 kids it's impossible to keep all of these items put away 100% of the time. If your cat had petroleum hydrocarbons on its skin or fur, it will be bathed at the hospital, and possibly given topical antibiotics to prevent infection of the skin due to irritation. My cat licked some lavender like bath oils sort off of my skin a couple days ago and then today and yesterday, she is very lethargic. I picked her up and washed it off of her paw. We may also find some kittens to be extra 'licky' when itchy, so do ensure there is no signs of parasites or skin disease. Petroleum products that commonly poison small animals are fuels, solvents, lubricants, and waxes, as well as some pesticides and paints that have a petroleum base. There are several reasons that your cat might be peeling paint off the walls including: boredom, stress, dietary deficiencies, or maybe your cat just enjoys the activity. cat: about 12 hours ago)..It looks like he licked the majority..signs. The same goes for when petting your cat. She climbed the bath and slipped. We decorate. I was painting the bathroom using solid paint. I was painting and my cat jumped up and stepped in the paint. She then licked her paw for a second. This spray works as a taste deterrent, leaving an unpleasant flavor on the wall that is completely safe for your cat and walls. She doesn't want to eat and is gagging slightly. Jordynn Skye. Naturally, the chemical gets on its fur and paws, and while licking the area clean the cat swallows the possibly toxic substance. A panting cat does not look that different from a panting dog. He may be having a problem with parasites that is affecting his bathroom habits, and It would be best to have your pet seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine them and see what might be going on, and get treatment if needed. Dr Scott Nimmo. Dog ate a small glob of paint My dog just ate a small glob of paint. If the groomed cat stiffens up, stops purring, and twitches the tip of its tail this can result in aggression. Tim. Almost any substance that has an adverse affect on the body, even if minor, can be considered a toxin. Reward your cat … I brought home my paint tray from my school art class to finish a project and i looked over and i saw my cat licking his lips and he was ontop of the lid to my paint tray that had some paint on it... could he get really ill or die from it? I just know that eating that litter can't be good. What should I do? The doctor may also ask for a urinalysis to detect the possibility of underlying disease that may be causing pica in the feline. My cat spilled the latex primer paint and then licked her paw. She may just be a little confused. Your veterinarian will give your cat activated charcoal to decontaminate and neutralize the toxin. The prognosis for cats displaying pica behavior is guarded. I do not want to do a bunch of testing just for the sake of testing. She will most likely be okay, but paint is highly toxic, so it is best to bring her to your local vet ASAP. It can be difficult to determine whether the consumption of non-food objects is due to boredom, other behavioural issues, nutritional deficiency among other causes; try to limit Apollo’s access to these items and don’t leave him unsupervised, also visit your Veterinarian to check for any underlying conditions. Old Cynic. 1 decade ago. Then he started licking the cement outside. Close Animal Health - General Forum This expert forum is not accepting new questions. We repaint the wall but he licks it off. The cause behind pica is unknown, however, disease and behavioral disorders are thought to be the underlying cause behind this unusual behavior. Cats can be allergic to many things, and the most common allergies that cause itchy skin in cats include: Flea allergy. Her friend commanded slave "Kiss my toes" Part 2 coming soon SegFault. Lead poisoning is rare in cats, but it does happen and it should be considered an emergency. Or, your cat could breath some of the toxin into its lungs, causing aspiration pneumonia. They tolerate eachother but I'm quite sure they dislike each other which obviously adds to stress in the household. This is only sometimes true. Horses licked my car's paint off! Oil based paint is generally removed with harsh chemical paint strippers, which would kill this cat if used on him (or at least burn him badly). He is a naturally high-strung, anxious kitty but loves me very much and I think he may also get separation anxiety (if that's a thing). Remove your cat from the tub and wrap a towel around it. Eating non-food items can be very dangerous to a cat, as chewing on electrical cords can cause a feline to be electrocuted, and plant consumption can be toxic. Join. Source(s): Cat owner my whole life (7 cats) If he sticks around he will be fine. My sister explained to her friend and said shes free to use me. Mmm. And paint thinner is extremely toxic when applied to cats’ skin. 8,885 10 10 gold badges 46 46 silver badges 96 96 bronze badges. A. If your cat does not improve with the treatments recommended by your veterinarian, he or she may refer you to a veterinary behaviorist. Dogs may lick other pets out of affection as well. CATS seem to lick everything - themselves, you and other cats and objects. Is your cat an Indoor or outdoor cat? latex paint and my dog shelbycr. Even after you’ve cleaned up, there may be traces of the tempting substance remaining in the paintwork or wallpaper. Some animals are exposed to these products through exposure to accidental spills, and sometimes people will put gasoline, or other solvents, on a cat to remove something that has gotten onto its skin or hair, such as paint and other sticky substances. I was painting the bathroom using solid paint. When a cat is allergic to flea saliva, even one bite can cause a general allergic reaction. Putting petroleum products like gasoline or kerosene on a cat’s skin, or near its mouth, will poison it. 2. 0 0. allgiggles1984. At one point or another you may have a cat that will lick or eat paint, not because its delicious, but because cats are curious creatures. My cat stepped in some acrylic paint and then licked it off of her i tried to wipe it off but now shes furious and won't let me near her. Ask question + 100. Things to look for, would be loose nails/screws, chemicals and other items, that your cat could smell, eat, or lick. 11. Today I caught him eating litter. Fart-fethish-guy. Follow asked Oct 22 '13 at 20:07. Pica is a serious behavioral issue that can become fatal if not addressed by a veterinarian. He will chew on boxes, pee and poop everywhere, chew on cords,claw on the sofa and a playpen, and even he will job in the playpen with my daughter and including on the counter and the kitchen Table. Do not induce vomiting with this type of poisoning, as the substance may do more harm coming back through the esophagus than it did going down. My boyfriend recently moved in about a month ago and that was the same time I noticed one of my cats began chewing on everything plastic in the house. Blood tests show no pica. Ugh. We can even smell it from another room. I'm very concerned about his consumption of things though he does not seem to be having digestive issues...thank the Lord. Favourite answer. He will hunt them out, dig in bins looking for them in bins with lids he becomes obsessed with trying to open them. may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. I don't know my cat breed he is a male cat about 7-8 months old. One of the most common causes of over-grooming and excessive scratching in cats is allergies. The cat’s collar should be removed as it may also have been contaminated. I did not see it happen, but it was a freshly painted spot on the wall, and she had a very minute amount on her lips. My cat keeps licking my bed sheets & i wonder why she keeps doing it ? My mother is deeply concerned our cat is dying. Cat tongues are rough and she may be able to get paint (or wall material, depending on your construction) off. Beofett Beofett. I know there are many variations as to "why" and no I'm not getting him a brain scan. Because it can be difficult to diagnose flea infestation in cats, some veterinarians recommend trying reliable flea control products purchased from a veterinary office for six to eight weeks to see if it reduces the incidence of licking, scratching, or chewing. She is a three year old rescue cat 11. Just adding dish soap to the water will not be enough to properly clean your cat. Gently rub the wet area with the towel to dry it. It is unusual to see a cat pant or breathing heavy, but it does occur when a cat is having respiratory distress (dyspnea). Aug 1, 2017 "All of the questions with answers really helped me get an idea of what could be wrong with my cat. She is still just as friendly and loveable as she always is and let’s me pick her up and let her like normal if I remove her from the closet and close my door she will sit there and meow and look panicked until I let her back in. My cat had ingested part of an aloe plant two days ago and obviously it's already through the system I hope so I do see some tremors while he is sleeping. The Expert will know if your cat will be able to digest that. Primary Cause Poisons on the skin are usually the result of accidents, such as the dog bumping a container or being too close to a work area. In most cases, ingestion of latex paint is not expected to cause significant clinical signs. Now you are left with that small pit in your stomach as to whether acrylic paint is toxic to cats or not. My cat bumped her face across one of my paintbrushes and some of the paint transferred to her mouth and she licked it. If a cat is not used to being licked, it can either resist or tolerate. There are many reasons why cats like to lick their owners, but it’s generally thought of as a positive behavior. To let her outside subjects her to all kinds of dangers He has a great appetite until he finds one of these objects then it's days of vomit, lethargy and on 2 occasions I've had to force feed him. Plumbism in Cats. Animals costing car insurers £1m a year The 12 horses that licked a car's paint off, a stampeding cow and the other odd animal incidents costing UK car insurers PLEASE if you have any advise I'll take it. My German Shepherd would do this to my cat all the time, and both of them seemed to enjoy it. I have a cat that is about a year and a half old. He's not licking his feet and he's not acting sick. She climbed the bath and slipped. Cats Lick and Scratch Due to Allergies. Finding a bowl your cat will drink from is a common struggle. Lv 7. Thank you for your question. ! Have had my cat for a year Relevance. As she is so young, this may be 'normal' behaviour. There could be a health concern or there's something about the water or the placement she doesn't like. It is likely she will grow out of this. We've managed by pure luck to avoid surgeries but there has been one emergency ultra sound and numerous vomits with pieces of rubber. SegFault. 0 0. What should I do? Please post your question in one of our medical support communities. Do you think she will be okay? If your cat licks, sucks, or consumes objects around the home that are not food, she could be suffering from a condition called pica. When a cat is part of your family, the safety of your cats during Painting and renovations is paramount. However, in severe cases of pica, the feline will consume the object entirely, posing a risk for intestinal blockage, tearing of the digestive tract, toxicity, and electrocution. Her only symptom is diarrhea. Lick definition is - to draw the tongue over. Oriental cat breeds, such as the Siamese cat, are commonly affected by pica and it is believed to be a genetic disposition. I wake up to him throwing up at night what to do. 8 years ago. I didn't see her lick it, but I saw her sniff it then lick her nose so idk if she got any or not! Petroleum Hydrocarbon Toxicosis in Cats When a cat is exposed to refined petroleum oil products, or ingests products of this type, it can result in a severe and disease-like physical reaction, which is referred to as petroleum hydrocarbon toxicosis. I got Piper when he was anywhere from 6-8 wks old and he was found abandoned at a gas station. 0 3. GI upset is the most common sign. I had a small dent in my wall about the size of a fifty cent piece, Now, thanks to Simba, its increased in size to that of a baseball! Good start, but most definitely not a "true story" Fart-fethish-guy. I did not see it happen, but. Aa. Often a cat will find an open can or bottle of chemical and, accidentally or on purpose, knock it over. Answer Save. Gave her an antibiotic but it hasn't worked yet. He hid and when he reappeared, the paint was off his paw. There might be a few reasons for this. Some felines will “grow out” of the inappropriate behavior, whereas other need continuous treatment. *Wag! Animals may ingest paint by drinking from the paint tray or chewing on the paintbrush. FML Your veterinarian will take X-ray images of the chest to look for evidence of inflammation and pneumonia, so that it can be treated immediately. As tumors of the brain are believed to be a possible cause of pica in cats, the veterinarian may likely conduct radiographs or a CT scan of the feline’s brain. The history you provide may give your veterinarian clues as to which organs are being affected by the toxin, as well as to be able to rule out other toxicities, such as ethylene glycol or drug exposure. Registered. Why is my cat licking the walls? Items are sold by the retailer, not Wag!. It wasn't a ton but it was enough. Pica in cats only has one clinical sign and that is consumption of inedible objects. Oriental cat breeds, such as the Siamese cat, are commonly affected by pica and it is believed to be a genetic disposition. My cat took one lick of paint. Poisons, or toxins, are often thought of as something that, if swallowed, will kill you in a matter of minutes -- that is, unless you take an antidote. Watch out for signs of tension especially from the cat being groomed. Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 6.8 lbs Location: United States. 1. … read more. My friend put paint on my cat and he licked it off and he's fine so i'm pretty sure your cat will be ok. 0 3. Acrylic paint is practically harmless in small amounts. How to use lick in a sentence. They do it for lots of different social and grooming reasons. 1 decade ago. Anonymous. MERCHANDISE - MY OTHER CHANNELS! Our cat is inquisitive. Malnourished felines may chew on inappropriate objects if their diet is lacking in adequate nutrients. Cat-proofing the environment, as you would baby proof an environment, should be considered at all times. He or she will want to conduct blood tests, including a complete blood cell count, blood smear, and biochemistry profile. I yelled at her tonight and that is not right Sometimes cat panting is normal and not a reason to be concerned, especially if you know what kind of activity your cat was involved in immediately beforehand. Also, some flea collars contain chemicals which may be harmful to sick cats. Exposure typically occurs when the cat ingests objects that contain lead. Some cats develop aspiration pneumonia from inhalation of a petroleum product. Can I give him vitamins for pica if I have no proof he has it? I have a 14 yr old male tabby. Why do my cats lick each other and then start fighting? Acrylic paints are generally non-toxic, but that usually refers to being non-toxic for humans. Thank you so much for posting this--my cat just jumped up onto a door I was polyurethaning. Secondary conditions of pica in cats may include: Research is still being conducted to find the exact cause of pica in cats, but veterinarians have linked the behavioral condition to several possible causes including: The diagnosis of pica in cats begins with an exchange of notes between the veterinarian and the pet owner. My cat licked paint of her paw. My cat licked paint of her paw. I also have an 11 1/2 yr old cat that I had about 8 months before I got Piper. Improve this question. Feed him some more glue. This cat continuously licks this wall in the early hours of the morning. If there are specific tests that would be the most helpful I'm all for that. Should I be worried? Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. The question is what is the next I just change the litter to pellets (or other). Post May 18, 2013 #2 2013-05-18T15:39. I am sorry your kitty is not feeling well. He was only there for half a second because I pulled him off right away, so he can't have gotten much on himself, but I was panicking. A complete blood profile will be conducted, including a chemical blood profile, a complete blood count, a urinalysis, and an electrolyte panel. Is she going to be okay? When a cat is exposed to refined petroleum oil products, or ingests products of this type, it can result in a severe and disease-like physical reaction, which is referred to as petroleum hydrocarbon toxicosis.