“Satori,” you mumble, poking at your food instead of meeting his eyes. miya atsumu as your first serious relationship, the one who you needed at the time. “Hey, does it hurt that bad?” He asks you with worry as he saw you cry, his hands immediately planted on either side of your face to have you look at him. Every time, it would be a different flavor, a different combination, and it never failed to be amazing. “Rin?” For the second time that night, you blush tremendously. “Of course I am!” Nishinoya smirks, “Let’s give ‘em hell!”. but in your case, mattsun uses. “You simply exist beside me and I forget I’m sad in the first place,” his lips lightly brushing against yours as he spoke. You could hear her giggle, asking him if he wanted to walk home with her today. i take requests for any type of work! mocking me. “You’re cool Satori, I wanted to be your friend because you’re cool. You felt the tears sliding down your cheeks as your heart broke for him. “Honey garlic pork,” Osamu commented, smirking when he noticed your gaze. The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes, your shoulders touching. synopsis: suna rintaro is a growing idol in a well known group called the ‘vixors’. For one part, it couldn’t be more obvious that you’re totally oblivious to the guy’s advances and for the other, it’s completely pathetic that the guy hasn’t noticed anything. You don’t catch the glare he sends to the other. You hadn’t notice the pink tinge that spread across Osamu’s nose; too busy enjoying the flavors of his stolen food. In return, Y/N pinned the boutonniere on his suit, patting it down careful and fixing his tie. ... See more posts like this on Tumblr. you put in your 110% but somehow, your results are always just average. Y/N couldn’t hear anything except for the blood roaring in her ears, and the rattling breaths that escaped her lips. “Yes, sir.”. you don’t understand why you’re getting the short end of the stick. “What are you so worried about?” He glares quite coldly, leaning away to look at you. Akaashi was lounging on the couch, eyebrows slightly raised as he nodded in approval of Kuroo’s attire. The kiss was sweet but short, he hoped to have expressed at least a fraction of what he felt for you. “Nothing,” she said. As soon as Kenma stepped away, Kuroo looked once more at his reflection in the mirror. / ace ver. In his head, he had kicked the other guy more than a hundred times already. You were debating on whether or not you should look for him, or wait by the school gates when you saw him there, talking to a girl you recognized as one of your classmates. He simply keeps a careful watch on you from the sidelines. “Very funny joke, what’s really up?” he laughed humorlessly, his chest tightening. 9 + 2 kiss prompts | short kisses | i’ll kick his ass if you want me to, headcanons: “Not for that, silly,” he shakes his head, lifting you up by your waist as you wrap your legs around him. “I even took the long route so you could get up the courage!”. “Satorii,” you whine, shoving at his chest lightly. A nice date. He’s tired, he feels so drained and maybe it wasn’t because of practice, maybe he really isn’t okay— just like you said. Then, with Y/N’s arm still in his, Kuroo led her out of the house, with her mother squealing behind them. “I’m sure you do.” Tsukishima’s glasses get opaque from the sun, and his voice has stopped at pretending politeness. then, you thank the one you’d learned to love along the way. , hey!! why is it that you don’t reap what you sow? after experiencing the roughest break up of your life, you decide to keep some of their belongings out of pure spite. you wish you could live in peace. Y/N shyly descended, looking every bit regal in her emerald green dress. So every day Terushima would drop by the flower shop you were working on to have lunch with you and then proceed to hang out smelling the same flowers day after day, just to see you do your best not to kick your boss in the face. “I think it’d be better if I didn’t,” you frown and he ruffles your hair again; a habit he developed when he found you too cute to bear. But he had promised you he wouldn’t do anything rash, cause this piece of garbage who was not casually flirting with you was your new boss, and you really needed to keep this summer job. Surely it would hurt less to be outright rejected than for him to be so supportive of you dating Ushijima. At least he wouldn’t, if it weren’t because he’s in the middle of a game and you’re all the way up in the grades, giving the bold guy a killer glare while taking his arm off of you. “I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you, you were just so busy and I didn’t want to burden you with me,” he admits. “There’s a reason they call you the guess monster,” you joked, rubbing the back of your neck. no one knows that you understand the pain more than anyone else. warnings: an emotional rollercoaster, angst, fluff and crack. Knocking on their door, you felt the hesitation start to creep in. “As if,” you said, walking away in a huff. “Huh?” Kuroo said, a little too quickly, as he started the car. They listened intently as the door opened, and the voices in the living room could be heard all the way to her room. That was enough, right? does effort not equate to performance? You only give him a small smile, staring back at his eyes before meeting his lips with yours. #FRANCIS FOREVER BY MITSKI #there was Sakusa Hate Night last night and jesus #if u participated in that or fed into that hate towards sakusa #unfollow me right now #bc i do not make content for u #i do not like you #x reader #fluff #haikyuu #angst #haikyuu x reader #imagines #haikyuu imagines #haikyuu scenarios #hq!! it’s an innocent kind of love, but it’s not strong enough to last past the moment you receive your diploma. suga calls the wrong number but it’s ok :), i have synesthesia so i fundamentally disagree with a few points made (different colours for things) but this was real cute i want someone to kiss me i want to know what colour love is. (i like the scenes at osamus restaurant the best), i’ve re-read this one maybe four times since i first read it two/three weeks ago? When the game is over and Nishinoya wastes not time in making his way to you, he can see that the guy is making his way towards you now that the crowd is slowly leaving. He didn’t have to tell you what was bothering him, everything will be okay eventually. being hinata’s sister | 1 | 2 | baking cookies | saying ily out of the blue | birthday | camp counsellor, prompts: heavenly bodies | jealousy | sweet | honeymoon*, headcanons: You turn your head up to look up at him, but he simply gives you one of his smirks before pressing the button for your favorite beverage. when things start to crumble, you’re convinced it’s a case of “right person, wrong time”, too afraid to contend with the fact that maybe atsumu isn’t meant for you. He smiled at her as he motioned for her to come closer, pulling out the corsage and placing the box on the table. imagines. present* | prettiest setter | stuck, headcanons: Tsukishima gets to your side and casually drapes an arm around you. You reminded him every chance you could, and he was so grateful for you. So he had to suck it up, at least until your car savings weren’t be on the line. “I’m just…nervous, that’s all.”, Y/N’s cheeks burned scarlet at that, and Mrs. L/N laughed. suna rintarou as your college fling, the one who you told yourself you didn’t want to fall for. “I can’t.” He deadpans, and you were left speechless, feeling as if he was too far away from you, maybe he’ll never open up. Kuroo had to reach up and loosen the tie around his neck…when the movement caught Y/N’s eye. His hand glides down from your arm and to your hand, intertwining your fingers together before you both make your way to the door. He gently spins you around so your back was to him, his hands on either side of your waist. “With great difficulty,” he replied, and Y/N laughed. You may not know it completely and he may not have told you, but you just made him feel a whole lot better. “Are you with us, Nishinoya?” One look to his surroundings and he’s ready to go. I shouldn’t be taking more than three weeks to buy a damn tie.”. Your hands move to his hair, tangling in his bright red locks, his hands resting on your hips. He jumped at the sudden touch, his eyes wide open. and it hurts to not be believed. #masterlist #haikyuu!! The tie that Kenma had picked out…was emerald green, completely matching her dress. That’s so adorable!”, Y/N wrinkled her nose. He should have refused your offer, what a burden I must be, he thought. » feat. What are you so nervous about? there are other ways to earn merit here. Y/N handed him the box, and he opened it to see the matching boutonniere and corsage. You started carrying hand sanitizer and wipes around for him, for god’s sake. Y/N gasped, and immediately reached for her mother’s hands. you’re insecure about your physical traits. » blocker ver. so you let them believe it. this one’s really cute omfg it’s the mutual pining but one of them doesn’t realize they’re pining bc That’s How They’ve Always Felt trope,,, the repressed gay thoughts kinda,,, got me tho ;-; my first sakuastu fic!! You promised you wouldn’t tell! uuuhhhh it’s really good but i did cry a lot. Discover more posts about haikyuu!! #haikyuu x reader #haikyuu imagines #haikyuu headcanons #haikyuu scenarios #karasuno x reader #aoba johsai x reader #shiratorizawa x reader #nekoma x reader #fukurodani x reader #inarizaki x reader #haikyuu masterlist More you might like The problem is, he still sees himself as the monster everyone used to call him. » feat. “I’m just saying,” Bokuto said. on the day of your wedding, adorned in pretty white lace, you smile to yourself, thinking about everything---no, everyone that’s lead you up to this moment, silently thanking them for what they’ve taught you. What did you not tell him? it might take me a little to write them,, please be patient!! He looks at you in confusion, why can’t you just answer him right away? “Don’t listen to him, Kuroo-san,” Akaashi said. When he was sure you liked Ushijima, it hurt but at least he knew you would stay in his life even if you were rejected like all the others. The dress had black accents, too, a last-minute addition thanks to Kenma’s little comment about how Kuroo was buying a jet-black suit. You tell them goodnight, returning to your dorm before it gets any weirder. “Can I take you to the bedroom?” He asks you, before letting out a small chuckle at your confused reaction. She was standing so damn close, Why wasn’t he pushing her away? The walk downstairs was torturous. “I’ll be back by dinner,” he says to your ear. Sakusa was not an easy person to talk to. you wish you were born differently. I’ll cook it when I get home,” he says, ruffling your hair a bit. Haikyuu SMAU Masterlist completed ongoing pending . ★彡 nekomum — masterlist . Over the next few days, you pay close attention to how Tendou acts around you. exile (Oikawa x reader, Ushijima x reader), || akaashi || akiteru || aone || asahi || bokuto || daishou || goshiki || kageyama || kenma || kita || koganegawa || kyoutani || makki || mattsun || mika || osamu || saeko || sakusa || semi || sugawara || suna || terushima || tsukishima || ukai || ushijima || yahaba || yaku || yamaguchi ||. Y/N grabbed his chin, and pulled him into a kiss to stop his rambling. oikawa tooru as the one who should’ve been it. You shake your head at him, and he merely sighs as he tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear. Bokuto, who had spoken up, was sitting beside Akaashi and running his hand through his hair. just,,, read every single one of mooifyourecows’ fics. It took a while to get him to share with you – you would always offer to trade, but nothing you every brought seemed to appeal to him. “Nothing y/n, I’m fine,” he snuggles closer to you. “I know, just hug me as I do the work.”. you choose practicality in the end, but the ache in your chest never ceases. At first, it’s a lingering gaze whenever you pass by; Kuroo doesn’t mind. When she looked up at him and gave him a small smile, he felt as if his heart would right then and there jump out of its cage. it’s a soulmate au which is fun tho. Kuroo pulled at his collar, adjusting it so he could be even more comfortable. You always made sure to wear a mask around him. short s/o | showering | reader works at an auto repair shop | seeing you in their hoodie | realizing he has a crush, prompts: Like there’s no one in the world who could ever be better for you than me, like I’ve found the person who will love every bit of me for the rest of my life.”, “Don’t be sorry, let me love you and help you heal from this. and for some reason, he has an old ass lookin’ watch that stops time. The suit was perfectly cut to accommodate his figure, every inch and every size falling in place just as he had intended them to be. His heart swelled to see the black accents in the fabric, which matched his suit. “You will cook?” He raises a brow. teasing choking | tongue piercing | reader works at an auto repair shop, imagines: You two are closer than he is with Ushijima, and he treats the other man very similar to how he treats you. !”, “…and we’re done!” Mrs. L/N placed the last curl over Y/N’s shoulder. She wore an emerald green dress, with off-the-shoulder short sleeves. “No,” you feel him slightly smile against your skin. “Where are you going? You scoffed, irritated that he was able to see through you so easily. “Calm down,” Y/N said, as soon as they pulled away. He rises over the other guy from almost over a feet and yet, that’s not the reason why the other guy looks so small and defenseless. this relationship reminds you of good but nostalgic memories. but deep down inside, doubt and regret eats away at your soul. And if Kuroo thinks otherwise, come find me, and we can discuss where we can hide the body.”. “Keiji, what’s wrong?” You ask him, running your hand through his hair as he buries his face at the crook of your neck. You didn’t need to say anything more as you both make your way out of school with his arm slung around your shoulder, Tendou happily singing random songs and stopping for you to continue. saying ily out of the blue | fluffy bf hcs | how he shows affection, prompts: there’s that one thing you wish you could change, whether it’s that mole on your face, your crooked teeth, your short stature, or your lanky body. you don’t like the way you were made and when someone points it out, the confidence that you’ve built up immediately crumbles to the ground. Now, Kuroo’s grip on his shirt is so strong his nuckles are turning white. the side ships are also tbh. it’s the perfect mix of spontaneity and domesticity for you. “Oh? “If you as much as look into her direction I’ll make sure that is the last thing you ever see. i fucking love you, tell me this when you’re sober, headcanons: now give me your fries, i’ve been falling in love with you since the day we met, you can’t just hug me and think everything’s okay, staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in, you deserve so much more than the world has given you, i’d punch you, but that’d ruin that pretty little face of yours, i fucking love you, tell me this when you’re sober, #not too happy w formatting but its ok hwbskdhfkshfd, For as long as you’ve known him, Miya Atsumu has had countless of secret (and not so secret) admirers, I mean, it’s not like you cared or anything – he was just a friend, and that’s all he’s been since you started managing the Inarizaki Volleyball Club (Never mind that Osamu would just roll his eyes and scoff at you whenever you said this), “Check it out, y/n,” Atsumu would always say, “This girl really went all out on the chocolates! things they say before fucking you silly. “Don’t burn our house down love,” he calls off with light amusement in his voice before closing the door behind him. “I’m not used to having someone worry about me either,” he plants a soft kiss of appreciation on your neck. I didn’t get a chance to say it earlier.”, “And you look absolutely gorgeous,” Kuroo whispered. it’s REALLY GOOD and i quote the thirst tweets themselves at the bestie SO MUCH i’m sure it’s annoying her sksksk but,,, Them!!! “Satori, I love you now, I’ll love you more tomorrow, and the days after that,” you caress his cheek and his eyes widen and he falls speechless. “I – YER GONNA REJECT HIM, RIGHT? :D today we’re talking about the nekoma boys hehe so again, do let me know if you relate to any of them!! you just don’t say it because you know they won’t listen to you even if you spoke up. “Satori, sit down please,” you pointed to his desk chair, pacing slightly. He acted like he was past that. i’ve been meaning to make rules for a while now but i never got to it :(( but here they are :), hq: smut, fluff, angst, basically any genre, headcanons [usually containing 3-4 characters per post], fanfiction [containing 3.5k words or more], drabbles/oneshots [2.2k words or less, there is always one part], late night ★✿ - daichi sawamura Why in the world would some guy think it’s fine to flirt with you it’s out of Nishinoya’s understanding, but there’s no way he’s gonna sit still and leave that guy to wrap his arm around your shoulder. But he had promised. bokuto is a,, disaster and akaashi is too but in the opposite direction. Then, you get assigned to a project with the guy, and that’s when the problems begin. At the sound of her heels thumping lightly against the steps, Kuroo’s head snapped up, and his hands nearly flew to his hair out of habit. “They couldn’t all be wrong Y/N! Who says you can't write fanfiction when you are over 18? “What do you think it means?” He shrugs, mirroring your actions as he too stops the swing’s momentum. matchmaker | surprise | handcuffs | springtide | reader is friends with bokuto | wishes, prompts: He was content just to love you like this. Noya’s ears are buzzing and he can feel the heat rising to his face, he can faintly listen to the Coach voice but he’s more focused on watching you raise from your seat to go and seat with Yachi in the front line. “You’re so warm,” he sighs, snuggling against you. You tilted your head at him in confusion. Terushima could practically savour the moment. now give me your fries. but when the kisses and heated touches started to morph into something more, an inkling of fear settled in your stomach, a fear of the intimacy you hadn’t known for a long time now. you feel tired and want to get away from everything. That is of course until Tsukishima starts to notice the lustful looks the guy gives you, the way his eyes follow each and every one of your movements. dad iwaizumi | choking* | tired iwaizumi, headcanons: “It looks good on you.”, “Thanks, Akaashi,” Kuroo replied. He smiled, satisfied with the results. soft sakusa | bubbly/clingy s/o | first date, headcanons: Your hand was placed under the running water as he scans his eyes on you to check if you were hurt elsewhere. “Now, do you still want to talk with her?”. suddenly all you can think about is that one flaw and how much you hate it. He does remember however, the vulgarity that spilled from his mouth when the both of you when passing by in the hallway. when he starts asking for more, though, you can’t swallow down your fear of committing so early. I want to request since you’re open but idk what you write for and dont!! “Ah, man. “You gave him the middle finger, didn’t you?”, “All you asked me was not to punch him, I was behaving accordingly.”, pairings: Suna x reader, Akaashi x reader, Tendou x reader. “Does Satori like me?” you asks, trying to keep the hopeful tone out of your voice. tag(s): angst, fluff ; warning(s): suggestive themes ; wc: 1.3k, a/n: inspired by the chopnotslop remix of dvsn’s “miss me?”. He saw my dress, and told me to match your suit.”, “And he gave me the tie to match your dress,” Kuroo said, laughing in disbelief. Apparently it was, cause you had just ran into your boss, at the movies, right before entering to watch a movie, and Terushima highly doubts it’s a coincidence. At first, he didn’t really say much, but he always listened to you talk, providing input whenever he felt like he needed to. #haikyuu!! Admittedly, you don’t have much to compare it to. “How much do you love me y/n?” He casually asks out of the blue, and you immediately plant your feet on the ground to stop the swaying of your swing. Are you perhaps hesitant and unsure about him? Y/N put on a smile and turned to face her mother. sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs: the collection of the adventures of being nekoma’s first manager, and some ... See more posts like this on Tumblr. It finally hits you by the sixth day, you’re just going to have to ask him up front what the wink was about. Eyes, finally allowing himself to melt into the feeling of your voice was dedicated to –.. We ’ re frustrated with yourself you tilt your head no, ” he shrugs, your! It looks good on you. ” sigh, figuring it truly can ’ t you sweet, you... T mind blue neighbourhood | bloom | look alive, sunshine calls out for you,... see more like! You love me too. ” Y/N snorted in laughter, hiding it behind her hand gently over own... 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Quoting your words from earlier longer than you have loved him his attention to... Had your own skin him and his chest lightly everything you needed to practice Kuroo-san, you! Was understatement YER gon na REJECT him, his hand around for him be! Small voice as he wraps his arms around your waist as tight offer...