She wanted the best for her children and sent Lisa to a private school in Jamaica and had big plans for her future. The initial post mortem concluded that Joy had died from ‘cerebral hypoxia‘ (lack of oxygen to the brain). LONDON PAEDOPHILE RINGS – Operations & Who’s Who? One car contained three officers from Scotland Yard’s SO1(3) Unit (the Aliens Deportation Group – ADG), and the other car contained two officers from the local Hornsey station. Michael Robert Catania. She was strict and would buy Lisa books instead of toys so that she could start reading at an early age. Mrs Simpson said: “Graeme used to blame himself, you know, that he wasn’t strong enough to save his mother. We have earned the right to have a level playing field when it comes to immigration. Our own Prime Minister is quoted as using terms such as ‘piccaninnies’, ‘watermelon smiles’ and ‘letterboxes’ yet it’s simply brushed aside, and he appears on programmes like This Morning pretending he’s a bumbling buffoon whilst Phil and Holly giggle at him and take a selfie, instead of calling him out on his appallingly track record. Following in her mother’s footsteps, Joy came over to the UK in July 1987 on a six-month visa, with the hope of following her dream to become a journalist and applied to undertake a journalism course at the Guildhall. Joy was eventually laid to rest at Lavender Hill cemetery on 17th December 1993. Sterling said Gardner planned to sell the cakes and chicken at a Stoke Newington street festival near to Ms … ” Joy, they dropped to the floor, breaking a chair and Joy’s watch in the process. The report was not released to the public or members of Joy’s family under ‘public interest immunity.’ The lay-person who supervised the PCA investigation, announced that he was considering “making a special report” to the Home Secretary claiming he had discovered matters of a “grave and exceptional nature“. Sir Paul Condon confirmed that all three officers would been reinstated on ‘non-operational duties’. After the trial, the officers involved were reinstated and not disciplined. Some people might believe we had life easy, but we bore it rough. She died whilst in the West Indian Centre at Wood Green in north London sat impassively at the front, while the death of Joy Gardner her daughter was discussed and condemned … Arrangements will shortly be made for her removal to Jamaica. immediately returned to scene and she quick-cuffed Joy’s right arm. case would be subject to an investigation by the, examine the specific role of the immigration officers involved, because a PCA inquiry is only authorized to oversee investigations into complaints against, This request was refused by the Home Office, back to the forefront of the world’s conscience. Outside, two police cars pulled up. Her mother, Myrna Simpson, emigrated to the United Kingdom from Jamaica – then still a British colony – in 1961, with the intention of sending for her child once she had achieved some financial stability, a common and accepted practice at the time. Myrna continues the story…. “When they arrived at her house with those things,” Myrna Simpson says, “those body belts, the tape – they weren’t looking to find a human being, because you do not do that to a fellow human being. They went in and took her out of her bed, where she had been sleeping with her five-and-half-year-old son, Graeme. BLACK LIVES MATTER WINDRUSH SCANDAL THE DEATH OF JOY GARDNER, 1993 Most of us have seen the 9mins of footage of George Floyd slowly being asphyxiated to death at the hands of the police in America, and we’ve seen the world rise up and say enough is enough. Joy landed face down and was then turned onto her back. NOTE: Verified via email - Check your SPAM in case it ends up there in error! Their solicitors denied the officers had spoken to the press, nor authorised anyone to do so on their behalf, but this just added fuel to the palpable anger, with the police seen as spreading misinformation. Mrs Joy Gardner, 40, died in 1993 after a struggle with police who arrived at her flat in Crouch End, north London, to serve a deportation order on her. In September 1990, Joy married Joseph Gardner, a British citizen. Dr. Harris, a Forensic Scientist at Huntingdon Laboratories, had examined the 13 feet of adhesive tape used to gag Joy. It was early morning when five men and women burst into 5-year-old Graeme Burke’s home. Graeme Burke is the son of Joy Gardner, the 40-year-old Jamaican woman who died when police officers came to deport her. Alexei Navalny: What happened when he returned to Russia? On 4th August 1993, a public meeting was held where a grieving but strong Myrna spoke alongside Bernie Grant MP. While it may have seemed like her immigration woes were soon reaching their end, the couple separated a few … He never saw her alive again. Those within the legal profession questioned this course of action. Cemetery of Uniforms and Liveries (2016) depicts Brandon Groce (grandson of Cherry Groce, whose shooting by police in 1985 sparked the Brixton riots) and Graeme Burke (son of Joy Gardner, who died of injuries sustained as UK immigration officers bound and gagged her to deport her to Jamaica, in 1993). They stated: “A disciplinary charge of authority would in substance be the same as the criminal charge of which the officers have been acquitted…, “an officer cannot be tried on both criminal and discipline charges for the same offence.”. Some of their names are fairly widely known - Joy Gardner in 1993, Sean Rigg in 2008, Habib (Paps) Ullah in (2008), Jimmy Mubenga in 2010 and Mark Duggan in 2011. Joy Angelia Burke was born in Jamaica on 29th May 1953. Nellie Sterling, 61, had often looked after Joy Gardner’s son, Graeme. THE SOHO CONNECTIONS: Johnny Go Home – 1975, BBC PAYOLA, A BROTHEL & THE SIMULATED RAPE SCENE, SEX OFFENDERS & INCIDENTS CONNECTED TO THE BBC, SPECIAL APPEAL – SEPT 2017: London Fields Paedophile Ring, SLEAZE & CORRUPTION – THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY, OPERATION HEDGEROW + COLIN PETERS & ALASTAIR LAING, OPERATION HYDRANT: Overarching investigation in to abuse, OPERATION CONIFER: Edward Heath Was a Paedophile, GRENFELL TOWER: The Brutal Illustration of Inequality, COPLAND COMMUNITY SCHOOL, FRAUD & THE TORIES, SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE: The intriguing cases of Satanic worship, OPERATION PALLIAL: North Wales Care Home Abuse: Gordon Anglesea. In September 1990, she married Joseph Gardner. Mrs Simpson and other families, along with representatives of the organisation INQUEST, which examines deaths in custody, met Jack Straw, the Home Secretary, to press their case. Leaving behind her son Graeme Burke and her mother Myrna Simpson now deceased. The police questioned this and said they wanted to investigate whether Joy had an underlying heart condition that could have caused her death (backing up Mark Sanger’s claim to Bernie Grant that Joy had suffered a ‘heart attack’ during the restraint process.) Djemal Dervish opened his post at 9:30am. The landing would be where we cooked. I hate him because he is a cunt. They sat on her body, they bound her hands to her side with a leather belt and manacles, they strapped her legs together and wound yards of surgical tape round her head. 13 feet of tape and bound her On 7th August 1993, the family joined hundreds of others in the streets marching and demanding justice for Joy. Unfortunately the Joy Gardner case, the whole deportation process and the role played by officials has never been fully and impartially investigated. She was my first child, who I had when I was only young myself, and I didn’t enjoy her back then. How UK taxpayers can avoid falling into the child benefit trap. The ‘Smear Campaign’ against Joy Gardner. Is the boom in communal living really the good life? I hope the next generation can achieve more than my generation has, but right now we have a duty to ensure our children understand, learn and accept. Only 60 so far had received any compensation. Joy remained in hospital for four days but her condition continued to deteriorate – her liver and kidneys failed and she also went into cardiac arrest. Dunnville Abbott, Jeff Adams, Michelle Adams, Taylor Airth, Rennie Alender, Katie Allison, Will Archer, Ursula Arlidge, M. J. Armstrong, K. L. The Home Office would have none of it. That was the principle of our Christian family. It was people power that finally saw the dismantling of the statue of slave trader Edward Colston that was pulled down by protesters and thrown into the river. (The decision to prosecute was actually made by the CPS following the APC’s own inquiry.) In November 1993 Chris Wardle released the six-page report which confirmed that the government was banning the use of tape and gags. 1 August 2018, The death of Joy Gardner He also made announcements on three key points: During the week following Joy Gardner’s death, Sir Paul Condon followed up his announcement by calling for any related investigation to include some independent impartial component to be incorporated. for tape. Early morning and Joy was asleep with her five-year-old son, Graeme, in their Haringey home at Topsfield Close. It was because of the subsequent BLM movement that I discovered the story of Joy Gardner and decided to cover the story. According to announcements in The Gazette, ASC was wound up not long afterwards. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. She had come to the UK to visit her mother and had overstayed her six month visa. Mrs Gardner became hysterical and violent and bit one of the police officers and had to be restrained. During the trial the judge, Mr Justice Mantell, instructed the jury to return a ‘not guilty’ verdict against Burrell as he was satisfied that Burrell had played no part in applying the gag to Joy. Mrs Simpson and Graeme never speak about his mother’s death. This sort of ignorant gas-lighting was the touch-paper as anger began to mount in predominantly black areas of London. We used to stay in one room of a house and do almost everything in that room. Lewi Jimi Nirigi. 4WardEverUK Case Profile for Joy Gardner Graeme Burke was five when his mother died after police bound her head with tape. KEITH VAZ DOES NEARLY EVERYTHING – EVEN SELLS WASHING MACHINES! There’s no place in the 21st century for racism and bigotry, and the overt racism displayed by the current government should be called out for what it is. On 3rd August 1993, Sir Paul Condon, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, held a press conference in which he expressed his “sadness and profound regret” over Joy’s death. They focused on the specific methods of restraint used by the police on Joy but reportedly did not inquire into the specific role of the Immigration Officer involved in the case. They kept in close and regular contact. She initially left her children with her mother in Jamaica until she earned enough money to bring her daughter over. KEITH VAZ, THE PROLIFIC CAMPAIGNER- Local Newspaper Articles, KEITH VAZ AND THE SORDID ELEMENT OF LEICESTER, RICHMOND: LOUIS MINSTER – Richmond Social Services, 1975-1984, THE SOHO CONNECTIONS: A-Z of Clubs, Pubs & other, A WHISTLEBLOWER SPEAKS: Liz Davies – Islington Survivors Network, A WHISTLEBLOWER SPEAKS: Child Protection Expert speaks to UK Column, A WHISTLEBLOWER SPEAKS: Establishment Paedophiles: Operation Clarence, OPERATIONS TRAWLER & MIDDLETON: Blair Ministers & Lambeth Care Home Scandal. Mitchell James Burke-Holdway. Once Sir Paul Condon disbanded the ADG division, it effectively sent the job of deportations directly into the hands of private companies like ASC – companies that were not subject to proper regulations – thus leaving deportees at their mercy and in an even worse position that before. Get on with rehousing and compensating all those who lost their homes and belongings at, Speed up the compensation process for all those caught up in your government’s repugnant. Graeme Burke was five when his mother died after police bound her head with tape. Change ), The official version of events are subject to different opinions and accounts, but, unplugged Joy’s telephone to prevent her from contacting her solicitor. I Bastian's 24 research works with 586 citations and 930 reads, including: Donovanosis ? The annual United Friends and Families Campaign march is on 28th October 2017 – 12pm, Trafalgar Square. After nine hours of deliberations, the jury then acquitted Evans and Whitby of all charges on 14th June 1995. Services: Community Alternative Program - Children, Community Alternative Program - Disabled Adults, Companion Care/Sitter, Enteral Nutrition, In-Home Aide, Intravenous Therapy Medical Social Worker, Nursing Services, Occupational Therapy, Personal Care Services, Private Duty Nursing, Pediatric Care, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Community Alternative Program-MR-DD, WOUND CARE specialist … Said the Empire that brought her. Two days later she was dead. Three police officers from the Alien Deportation Group were tried for manslaughter. They were self-taught how to use gags and were not subject to strict controls. The trial raised questions about equipment used to restrain people during these raids. The Home Office announced that it would undertake an internal inquiry on procedures for deportation, headed by a senior immigration official. Joy’s sister, Claudia, was adamant that the authorities purposely covered up that Joy’s death happened at the flat to prevent a public uproar. Our own, BLACK LIVES MATTER: WINDRUSH: THE DEATH OF JOY GARDNER, 1993, ‘piccaninnies’, ‘watermelon smiles’ and ‘letterboxes’, Justice for Joy  – Channel 4 documentary, 1995, Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry, NI, Operation Winthorpe – St Paul's School, Barnes, MISSING: The Disappearance of Martin Allen, MISSING: The Disappearance of Vishal Mehrotra, MISSING: The Disappearance of Vishal Mehrotra Pt2, MISSING: OPERATION RIDGEWOOD: The Disappearance of Damien Nettles, HARVEY PROCTOR: Brewers Lane Assault Court Case, 1992, UNSOLVED CRIMES: The Death of ENRICO SIDOLI, ISLINGTON: UNSOLVED CRIMES: The Mysterious Death of MICHAEL JARRETT LOWE, 1974, UNSOLVED CRIMES: The Mysterious Death of BILLY HOLLOWAY, 1962, UNSOLVED CRIMES: The murder of PATRICIA MORRIS, 1980. They denied the charges but after three days, the judge concluded that there was enough evidence for them to face trial at the Old Bailey. Since his arrival in London in 2016, Thompson’s interest has also turned to state violence in Britain, leading him to produce Cemetery of Uniforms and Liveries (2016), two silent portraits of Brandon Groce and Graeme Gardner, the grandson, and son, respectively of Cherry Groce and Joy Gardner. I am a part of the Windrush generation. Any news updates on this case are listed at the foot of this item. If you experience any errors with the form above Click Here to register! This is progress and it’s important progress. When Joy came in 1987 she wasn’t illegal, she was legal. Matthew John Curlett. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Joy’s sister, Claudia, was resigned to the fact that Joy would never get justice. “It hurts so much. On 7th August 1993, the PCA confirmed that Assistant Chief Constable James Conlon of Essex Police would be heading up the investigation, assisted by 12 officers, and on 13th December 1993, another protest was held outside the CPS offices because the PCA had still not completed the inquiry. The MPF felt that the use of the equipment was the greatest issue and that those who KNEW that it was a regular occurrence should also have been taking some responsibility. At least 13 died before the Home Office acknowledged their mistake. Shawn Douglas Gardner. My name is Maudie Ann Burke Gardner, I am the daughter of Charles and Tillie Joy Burke, I am relative to the Trundles, Sappington, and Hammonds, Ellis's McGrady's and the Burke's. Jane Coker explained it perfectly when she said: The police investigated the police. (* – Disputed by evidence presented by a Forensic Scientist at the trial. He rejected the claim that he only applied more tape because Joy was ‘still making a noise’. Mrs Joy Gardner, 40, died in 1993 after a struggle with police who arrived at her flat in Crouch End, north London, to serve a deportation order on her. Taylor James Cunich. By the time Dervish had opened the letters of notification at 9:30am, Joy was effectively already dead. Outside, two police cars pulled up. … Gardner had been born in Jamaica, but had come to Britain six years earlier. A 4WardEverUK initiative. They were: The immigration official and two local officers were called as witnesses. why? She died whilst in the West Indian Centre at Wood Green in north London sat impassively at the front, while the death of Joy Gardner her daughter was discussed and condemned … Background Joy Gardner. Gard­ner first trav­elled to Eng­land in 1987, leav­ing an adult daugh­ter be­hind in Jamaica. Alicia Kataraina Werahiko. Memorial event held 25 years after Joy Gardner’s killing Tributes are pouring in for The Goodies funny man Tim Brooke-Taylor who sadly passed away at the age of 79. He said that the tape was wrapped around her head seven times. There’s no place in the 21st century for racism and bigotry, and the overt racism displayed by the current government should be called out for what it is. Joy Gardner was a human being and nobody had a right to take her life. The police were accused of ‘stalling’ and Myrna questioned what justice could be gained when the police were effectively investigating themselves. Tim brought joy to many over the course of his career and worked alongside the likes of John Cleese, as well as his The … (See ‘Politics and Press’ below). She en­tered the coun­try legally using a six-month vis­i­tor's visa, but over­stayed when the visa elapsed.She was preg­nant at the time of her ar­rival, and sub­se­quently gave birth to a son. On 21st November 1994 the three officers appeared at Bow Street. ... Graeme Burke, have never … Despite years of counselling and treatment from the children’s trauma clinic at the Royal Free Hospital in London, he is still suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The other two management officers never faced charges as they had already left the police on early retirement (no explanation was ever forthcoming about why that was allowed to happen, which is something Jane Coker highlighted in Justice for Joy.) The job was also outsourced to an unregulated private company in Eastbourne – Airline Security Consultants Ltd (ASC) – who were effectively expected to police themselves. A representative from ADG gave evidence on the equipment used during deportations  and confirmed that a body-belt (originally designed by an ADG officer), leather straps, gag and adhesive tape were part of their regular restraint equipment. Sign up today for FREE to receive our 4WardEverUK quick news alerts and monthly e-newsletter via email. We try to blank it out.”  In the weeks and months after his mother’s death, Graeme re-enacted the disturbing events. However, within just a month, Joseph wrote to the Home Office again and asked to withdraw the request in because the marriage had ended and they were separated. This was echoed by the family’s solicitor,  Jane Coker, who stated that  the Home Secretary was the one with ultimate responsibility for decisions and ensuring the code of conduct was followed, so everyone involved in the chain of command was accountable. They maintained that she was illegal because she overstayed her six-month visa. Well, I say, how many white women have they done that to?” she says. In February 1994, Essex Police finally completed their investigation for the PCA. In a face-to-face recorded interview, Ms Sterling told this writer that on July 24 th Gardner was baking cakes and cooking chicken at her flat in Hornsey – where the police raid would take place four days later. ), Despite the fact that Joy had her arms handcuffed to the body belt, and that. Needless to say, others were far more unsympathetic, with Teresa Gorman giving the ultimate victim-blaming comment: “If she had gone quietly, none of this would have happened.”, Not content with victim-blaming, she also dished up a huge slice of stereotypical, rash, ignorant judgement too on BBC tv, by stating that Joy had been…, “…bumming on the social services for five years.”. I just keep asking why? Her mother, Myrna Simpson, had lived in Britain for more than 33 years. ACC James Conlon was facing a complaint by one of the charged ADG officers but I do not know what the outcome was. UNSOLVED CRIMES: The murder of CHRISTOPHER STANLEY, 1992, OPERATION WINTHORPE: ST PAUL’S SCHOOL/COLET SCHOOL, BARNES, GEORGE BARSBY & OTHER GRAFTON CLOSE NEIGHBOURS, OPERATION RUFFLE: John Hemming confirms he is man accused of raping 6yr old Esther Baker. You would not do that to your dog.”, Mrs Simpson goes on to say “Paul Condon said it was not about race. In 1961, Myrna travelled from her home in Jamaica to settle in London as a British citizen in order to provide a better life for herself and her children. Tories' London mayoral candidate criticised for comments that 'attack working class families'. The official version of events are subject to different opinions and accounts, but Amnesty International seems to hold the most comprehensive account based on court testimonies and so I have used that, along with reports during the trial and a documentary on Channel 4, to build the picture step by step. The hostile attitude that contributed to my daughter’s death must be put in the context of the current Windrush scandal. Initial attempts to revive Joy were unsuccessful and at, The attending ADG officers from SO1(3) had been suspended, the ADG unit – headed by. Wearing a uniform does not give you carte blanche to take someone’s life, nor does it make you superior. Myrna received an unexpected visit from her son, David, that morning who told her that police had contacted him and said they needed to head over to the Whittington Hospital in London where Joy had been admitted into intensive care. ( Log Out /  Mrs Gardner, 40, died in 1993 after a struggle with police who arrived at her flat in Crouch End, north London, to serve a deportation order on her. Graeme Burke – son of Joy Gardner Neville Lawrence – father of Stephen Lawrence Rupert and Shelia Sylvester – parents of Roger Sylvester Marci Rigg – Sister of Sean Rigg and Chair United Families & Friends Campaign. Phillip Suits – Senior Designer. ( Log Out /  She had lacerations to her wrists, bruising to her arm and neck, as well as a minor head wound. Neil Edward Welch. The immigration officer involved never faced any sort of disciplinary hearing or questioning and the department never offered any explanation. Graeme Burke is the son of Joy Gardner, the 40-year-old Jamaican woman who died six years ago when police officers came to deport her. He saw what happened. Can you imagine how terrifying it must have been for a 5 year old to see his mother like that, the woman he loved and looked to for everything. He suffered nightmares and flashbacks, he became fearful, agitated and angry. Joy’s son was traumatised by what he had witnessed that morning, and that remained with him throughout childhood. I want a media that recognises that every life has as much value, so when a black child disappears off our streets, the case receives as much coverage and funding as that of, say, Madeleine McCann. I would send money and visit her every year. Thompson’s silent films address racism and violence in close-ups of the faces of Black people with links to incidents of brutal death, including Graeme Burke, son of Joy Gardner, who died when police tried to deport her during a dawn raid in London in 1993, and Diamond Reynolds, whose boyfriend, Philando Castile, was shot dead by a police officer in Minnesota in 2016. She moved to Kingston to pursue her dreams but she got pregnant with her eldest daughter, Lisa. Joy’s family announced their disappointment over the verdict, with Myrna still consistent in her promise that she would continue in her fight to get justice for her eldest daughter. ” and said it took all her strength just to hold her arm. Handcuffs to secure her Myrna drew parallels between the belt with it’s chains to the shackles and treatment of slaves. Three officers were in a management position within the ADG Unit at the time of Joy’s death. Once the trial had ended, the Police Complaints Authority (PCA) announced that no disciplinary procedures would be taken against any of the officers involved due to the court acquittals, arguing that one effectively cancelled out the other. The star's agent confirmed his death in a statement earlier today by saying: 'It is with great sadness that we announce Tim’s death early today from COVID-19.' Mr Dervish has since stated that it was his belief the Home Office consciously misled him – something others in the legal profession agreed with: “She was totally unprepared for returning to Jamaica. The authorities arrived at Joy’s home (they claimed) at 7.40am. Elizabeth ended up at Whittington Hospital – just as Joy did before her – reportedly unconscious. Soon after, he took out two injunctions stopping her from going near his home, apparently quoting the reason as domestic abuse. 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