(1) Beatitudes. The HCSB followed the traditional practice of capitalizing pronouns for God. The latter is certainly the intention in many passages. So when I heard the HCSB was already changing things up after only a few years, I had to ask myself what prompted the name change and the update? First, I am writing from a friendly perspective. So to say that “slaves had no rights” is not entirely accurate. This review does not pretend to be comprehensive. Article Images Copyright ©. I consider Trevin Wax, the general editor of the CBS Study Bible, to be a friend. The CSB Translation and Review Team used the latest available Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic texts. [26] See Mark L. Strauss, Distorting Scripture? For example, 1 Corinthians 2:11 reads “For who knows a person’s thoughts except his spirit within him?” While ἄνθρωπος is rendered “person” instead of man, the masculine is retained for the presumptive pronouns “his” and “him.” The CSB website explains the reason for this. CSB Bible Review (Eventually) I have enjoyed reading the Bible most of my life. The CSB revision is the work of the twenty-one members of the CSB Translation and Review Team. All other editions released prior to 2020 will be updated with … The most notable difference, of course, is its use of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) text – the newly published revision of the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) translation, which came out in 2004. A few changes are noticeable between the original HCSB and the updated CSB: Overall, the CSB is a highly readable yet highly accurate translation of Scripture, suitable for devotional study and for corporate reading, good for kids, good for adults, deep enough for long-time believers and accessible for those new to the Bible. One issue that the HCSB ran into was the unfair perception that because it was distributed by a Baptist company (Holman/Lifeway) that it was a 'Baptist Bible'. Leave a comment Camron Hyde . It is unclear where “unexpectedly” came from. The problem, of course, is deciding which instances should be rendered Yahweh and which Lord. In reality, one may look through several pages of the Old Testament before finding a note of any kind, outside of the notes included in the CSB translation. By contrast, the CSB uses lower case, following standard English grammar. As far as improvements over the HCSB, by removing many idiosyncrasies of its predecessor and returning to more traditional language with reference to the divine name YHWH, slaves and servants, beatitudes, tongues, etc., the CSB will likely gain wider acceptance in the Christian community. Guideline B.1. 8 And there are three who bear witness on earth: Similarly, in the HCSB the longer ending of Mark has only a small bracket “[…]” marking it off from the rest of the text and a footnote at the end of verse 20 that reads “Other mss omit bracketed text.” The headings continue as usual with sections marked, “Appearances of the Risen Lord (16:9–13),” “The Great Commission (16:14–18)” and “The Ascension (16:19–20).”. If I could read Hebrew and Greek, then I would read the original texts. From my use though, I have really liked it. I’m the sort of person who uses multiple translations in my study of the Word. In June 2016 B&H publishing announced a revision of the translation, dropping the name “Holman” and renaming it the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). This third argument seems a bit stretched. As noted above, while Arthur Farstad favored the Majority Text (the Byzantine text type), the editorial decision was eventually made for the HCSB to follow the Critical Text. Tom Schreiner explains the reason for this change: The translators, representing a variety of denominations, did not intend by the use of “languages” to exclude charismatic views of ecstatic speech. The CSB is descended from the HCSB (Holman Christian Standard Bible), which was first published in 2004, and was in my opinion a solid translation with a few unique elements. Bible Review CSB Holman. And large crowds came to Him, having with them the lame, the blind. [21] “Introduction to the Holman Christian Standard Bible.”. The Christian Standard Bible: A Review My (modern) Bible translation of preference is the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). In a good number of cases, the CSB reversed innovations made by the HCSB and returned to traditional language. We should be better than this. In this context θεράπων was especially appropriate for Moses, since the term commonly refers to “one who renders devoted service, esp. Because of these complications, the CSB returns to the traditional use of “Lord” for the tetragrammaton. While many Reformed brothers prefer the ESV for its literal translation approach, I believe it may compromise readability unnecessarily. Camron Hyde. To show respect, I prefer capitalizing … An Examination of Matt 24:14 and Its Implications for Missional Practice, “Striving for Glory with God”: Humility as the Good Life in Basil of Caesarea’s Homily 20, Jesus: The Path to Human Flourishing: The Gospel for the Cultural Chinese, Contextualizing the Faith: A Holistic Approach, Embracing Contemplation: Reclaiming a Christian Spiritual Practice, Joseph the husband of Mary, who gave birth to Jesus who is called, But He … would not allow them to speak, because they knew He was, But he … would not allow them to speak, because they knew he was, Then He said to them, “How can they say that, Then he said to them, “How can they say that. And it is less idiomatic than “natural language” functional equivalent versions like the New Living Translation (NLT), the New Century Version (NCV), God’s Word (GW), the Contemporary English Versions (CEV) and the Good News Translation (GNT). It has illustrations and explanations that bring the pages to life. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different, Do all have gifts of healing? Atlantic Monthly published an article by Jonathan Merritt and Garet Robinson entitled, “Southern Baptists Embrace Gender-Inclusive Language in the Bible.”27 The subtitle read, “America’s largest Protestant denomination has produced a revised translation that incorporates many features it had long condemned.” The article pointed out that the Southern Baptists, who previously led the charge against gender inclusive language, were now embracing it in their flagship Bible translation. Sadly, Farstad died just a few months into the project. Because “tongues” is an appropriate translation and is the word used in every other major English Bible translation, the CSB Translation Oversight Committee elected to adopt the traditional rendering and avoid any appearance of theological bias.32, A return to traditional language is also evident in the baptism narrative. However, Holman has been changing that at a rapid pace. This irony was not lost on the secular media. If anyone does not stumble … he is mature, able also to control the whole body. The translation “slave” can sound overly demeaning or degrading in some contexts. While the adoption of gender-accurate language in the CSB is certainly moderate, to say that it follows the Colorado Springs Guidelines is not accurate. This is one of the newest modern English translations to be published, having been released in 2017. We will discuss some of these examples below. There are nine men; one woman. [23] Colorado Springs Guidelines: Statement by Participants in the Conference on Gender-Related Language in Scripture,” Bible Researcher, 27 May 1997, http://www.bible-researcher.com/csguidelines1.html. Whose son is he? 9–20 as a longer ending. Facebook 0 Twitter Reddit Tumblr Pinterest 0 0 Likes. Most significantly, the CSB departs from its predecessor by positively embracing “gender-accurate” language, for example, by translating the Greek ἀδελφοί as “brothers and sisters” when the referent includes both men and women. I want to commend Tom Schreiner, David Allen and the CSB Translation Oversight Committee for having the courage to follow their convictions in this regard (and to consistently follow their translation philosophy). [19] “Introduction to the Holman Christian Standard Bible.”. Previously, we have reviewed the EVS Pastor’s Bible from Crossway and today we are reviewing the CSB Pastor’s Bible in brown genuine leather. The HCSB touted this in advertisements depicting a serious-looking student of the Word announcing in large letters, “The name is Yahweh.” The small print announced: God gave us his personal name, which is why you’ll see it in the Holman Christian Standard Bible. The first is inconsistency, since pronouns in various other passages are not capitalized in the HCSB (see Pss 16:10; 41:9), even though they are identified as messianic prophecies in the New Testament (Acts 2:27; John 13:18). Evidently the formal similarity (and etymological connection) of the Greek μωρός to the English term “moron” resulted in this translation. While in most cases, the CSB returns to traditional or less innovative language, in other cases the editors move away from traditional terms, especially when these terms have become archaic or obscure. CSB Reader’s Bible. Below is my analysis of the translation spectrum. By translating Scripture into the clearest possible modern English, the CSB allows readers to experience God’s Word at its fullest. As the title suggests, this Bible feature a verse-by-verse layout in which each verse begins on a new, indented line. Featured. Find out how to buy your own copy here.. Disclaimer: I was given a copy of this Bible to facilitate my review. While the CSB avoids using “he” or “him” unnecessarily, the translation does not restructure sentences to avoid them when they are in the text.22, This shift in gender-language policy is evident from the first line of the Introduction to the CSB. The CSB Holy Land Illustrated Bible is a visually immersive Bible reading experience featuring over 1,200 images, maps, and illustrations to provide greater insight and understanding of the people, places, and events of scripture. I don’t think you’ll be holding this in one hand for long while you read it. Yet they were now seeking an alternative because of the high cost of NIV royalties and the NIV’s move toward gender-inclusive language. Jesus is clearly leaving the temple mount, not the temple building proper. Image: Christian Standard Bible I’m excited to welcome Trevin Wax to The Exchange today. The CSB more clearly marks the longer ending off as a later addition. Dropped capitalization of personal pronouns referring to God. Why Is the CSB Needed? It seems best, therefore, to follow the now standard practice of leaving all pronouns in the lower case. Significantly, the CSB renders ἀδελφοί as “brothers and sisters” but includes no footnotes, acknowledging that in these contexts ἀδελφοί means “brothers and sisters.” Compare the HCSB and the CSB in the following passages: The rendering of ἀδελφοί is not the only significant gender language change in the CSB. as an attendant in a cultic setting.”18 It might be better to say that עֶבֶד has a very wide semantic range that goes well beyond the senses generally given to the English gloss “slave” and that δοῦλος can reflect this wider usage. The CSB seems to remove most of these, returning to more traditional renderings. I am always trying to find the best version out there; one that I think has followed the original texts closely, while providing me with something that I can read and understand. By: Brian Chilton | November 28, 2017. Both solutions—masculine singular pronouns or singular “they”—have one grammatical anomaly. 20–22. Like the HCSB, the CSB stands approximately in the middle of the translation spectrum between formal equivalent and functional equivalent. That means it is written in the language that we speak today. Another solution, adopted in many cases by the 2011 NIV, is to use singular “they,” a form that is now pervasive in common English.25 First Corinthians 2:11 NIV reads, “For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them?” While plural in form, “their” and “them” are singular in meaning. The CSB Holy Land Illustrated Bible is a resource that helps the reader understand the context of the Bible. But capitalizing pronouns might wrongly suggest that the original human referents (like David) are themselves divine. Finally, its more positive stance towards gender-inclusive language not only improves its accuracy, but also enables modern readers to hear more clearly the inclusive message of the gospel—the good news that in Christ “There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male and female; since you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28 CSB). The new CSB Study Bible, which Holman kindly sent me to review, has many of the features found in the previously reviewed award-winning Holman Study Bible. This description of using the “nearest corresponding semantic and linguistic equivalents” to convey the “intention of the original text with as much clarity and readability as possible” sounds a great deal like the goal of functional equivalence: striving to reproduce the meaning of the text as accurately and clearly as possible. Then relying on the latest and best language tools and experts, the nearest corresponding semantic and linguistic equivalents are used to convey as much of the information and intention of the original text with as much clarity and readability as possible. (Matt 19:26), The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. Let me tell you a bit about the CSB Holy Land Illustrated Bible, and you can see why I am so excited to bring your this resource.. [13] Most of this material is from Fee and Strauss, How to Choose a Translation, 127–28. Summary. Mark Strauss is University Professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary. Review of CSB Spurgeon Study Bible. The textual basis of the CSB is what you would expect in a modern translation. Most Recent Post. [17] Schreiner, “Q&A: Translation Decisions for the Christian Standard Bible,” 4. In fact, when we were looking for a great Bible for my elementary aged son we landed on the HCSB Big Picture Bible. Much of my writing has focused on defending meaning-based Bible translation. The HCSB was produced by an interdenominational team of 100 scholars and proofreaders. The particular CSB that we are reviewing today is the CSB Study Bible in jacketed hardcover which was provided by B&H Publishing free of charge in exchange for an honest review. I have a friend whose salvation was publicly questioned because of his stand on this issue. Six times in James, the CSB translates ἀνήρ using a generic term, while HCSB used “man” (see the table below). As one who was significantly involved in the gender-language debates of the 1990s and 2000s,26 it struck me as more than a little ironic that a version with such strong Southern Baptist connections would openly adopt gender-accurate language. As a rabbi Jesus likely had tassels on his robe (Num. It is surprising that the HCSB, which generally retains the metaphors of Scripture, does not retain the image of a gate. Deciding whether to translate or transliterate Greek χριστός is a challenge. Yet the statement is also a bit muddled. “Messianic Age” makes it clear that the reference is to the eschaton. The New Testament was published in 1999 and the full Bible in 2004. One member of this team is a woman—Dorian G. Coover-Cox, associate professor of Old Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. First Impressions. But the plural (συνέδρια) normally refers to local councils or courts and so is usually translated “councils” rather than transliterated as “sanhedrins.”. I have been getting acquainted with it and am excited to share my thoughts on it. Since the HCSB elsewhere translates γραμματεύς as “scribe,” one would expect the same thing here. In terms of strengths, the CSB continues the HCSB’s translation philosophy, which represents a nice balance between formal and functional equivalence (though the term “optimal equivalence” is more a marketing strategy than a reality). The CSB returns to the traditional Beatitude formula: (2) Leprosy. Can Loved Ones in Heaven Look Down on You? I like the CSB a lot and if I wasn’t a pastor, and if I only used my Bible for personal use, I may actually continue to use the CSB as my primary go-to Bible. The tetragrammaton appears 6828 times in Hebrew Bible.8 Almost all English translations render the divine name as “Lord” (small caps). [32] Schreiner, “Q&A: Translation Decisions for the Christian Standard Bible,” 1. Jason Soroski is a homeschool dad and author of A Journey to Bethlehem: Inspiring Thoughts for Christmas and Hope for the New Year. Charles Haddon Spurgeon along with the biblical text. How joyful is the man the Lord will never charge with sin! The CSB was created using optimal equivalence, a translation philosophy that pursues both linguistic precision to the original languages and readability in contemporary English. https://alifetransformedblog.com/csb-notetaking-bible-review My primary interest in this Bible was the 1200+ images and maps. [10] The ad is included in Michael Marlowe, “The Holman Christian Standard Bible,” Bible Researcher, August 2011, www.bible-researcher.com/csb.html. It seems to be another great option in literal Bible translations. This is a difficult idiom (προσθεῖναι ἐπὶ τὴν ἡλικίαν αὐτοῦ πῆχυν ἕνα) and it is unclear whether it is referring to time or space (length). The HCSB adopted the Colorado Springs Guidelines, also called the Guidelines for Translation of Gender-Related Language in Scripture, produced at the Conference on Gender-Related Language in Scripture on May 27, 1997 and revised September 9, 1997.20 Though not averse to inclusive language, the HCSB affirms the retention of masculine terms: The goal of the translators has not been to promote a cultural ideology but to faithfully translate the Bible. [7] See Strauss, “Myth of ‘Literal Accuracy,’” 176–77. Basil of Caesarea (c. AD 330–379) presents humility as the essence of the good life in his Homily 20... Themelios is a peer-reviewed international evangelical theological journal that expounds on the historic Christian faith. Farstad favored the Greek Majority Text (the Byzantine text type) and had published a Greek edition of it with coeditor Zane Hodges in 1982. The smaller print on the ad reads: Slaves had no rights, but some servants did. He discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the study Bible and concludes that this is an exceptional study Bible to own. 7 Truths You Need to Cling to in a Divided Nation. Whereas the HCSB Introduction begins, “The Bible is God’s revelation to man,” the CSB reads, “The Bible is God’s revelation to humanity.”, The most striking gender-language change in the CSB is its rendering of the Greek plural ἀδελφοί as “brothers and sisters.” While the HCSB consistently translated ἀδελφοί as “brothers,” the CSB uses “brothers and sisters” 151 times. We will cover these issues in more detail as we compare the CSB to the HCSB. Accuracy, one of the reasons you’ll love reading any of the HCSB digital or print editions.16. The CSB lets pastors choose a Bible that’s both trustworthy and readable. The Christian Standard Bible aims to draw readers into a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God. For example, when the scribes and the Pharisees say to Jesus, “We want a sign from You” (Matt 12:38 NASB), the capitalized “You” suggests that the. The HCSB broke with traditional Beatitude word order to retain more natural English grammar. [20] “Colorado Springs Guidelines,” Bible Researcher, 9 September 1997, http://www.bible-researcher.com/csguidelines.html. [14] The only appearances of “Messiah” in the 1984 NIV are those instances where John transliterates the Hebrew term as Μεσσίας (John 1:41; 4:25). The CSB significantly reduces the use of “slave(s).” While the HCSB used the term 317 times, the CSB uses it only 189 times. What is meant, for example, by a “maximum transfer” of “the words … contained in the original”? the HCSB OT uses Yahweh, the personal name of God in Hebrew, when a biblical text emphasizes Yahweh as a name: “His name is Yahweh” (Ps 68:4). Some notable distinctions of the HCSB include the following: Though well-publicized and well-received in many circles, the HCSB never achieved a significant market share of Bible sales. Four passages have no change; there is one gender-language change (from “fathers” to “ancestors,” Matt 23:42), one change in idiom (Josh 10:6) and a small stylistic change (Mark 1:2). The stated goal of the CSB is to create an 'optimal equivalence' translation that is literally accurate yet easily readable, but is there really a need for another translation? It is not the words (which are in Greek and Hebrew) but the meaning of those words, phrases and clauses that must be transferred. Glen G. Scorgie, Mark L. Strauss, and Steven M. Voth (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003), 115–42. What Are "Signs and Wonders" of the End Times? Capitalizing pronouns with reference to Jesus can miscommunicate the meaning of the text. But I tell you, everyone who is angry with his. Although the gender language changes are perhaps the most significant in the revision of the HCSB, there are many others. The HCSB removed the word “leprosy” because the skin diseases in Leviticus 13–14 are clearly not Hansen’s disease, translating the Hebrew and Greek words traditionally rendered “leper” and “leprosy” (λέπρος; λέπρα; צָרַעַת) as “skin disease” or “serious skin disease.” The CSB retains “serious skin disease” in the OT for צָרַעַת, but returns to “leprosy” in the NT (11x) for λέπρος and λέπρα. Similarly, in the NT Greek δοῦλος (126x) is rendered in the NIV as “servant” 98x and “slave” 34x. Yahweh is used in places where the personal name of God is discussed (Ps 68:4) or in places of His self-identification. Its translation method is partly Word-for-Word and partly Thought-for-Thought, making it similar in concept to the GWT, NIV and some other translations. Bible review, preaching. The CSB Holy Land Illustrated Bible will take you on a visual tour through biblical times as you read God's Word alongside over 1,100 images, maps, and illustrations. Camron Hyde. He gave us an overview of the release of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) translation a … Though following the Greek Critical Text, the HCSB was unique among modern versions in supplying many alternative readings from the Textus Receptus and the Majority Text in its footnotes (cf. Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2017 The CSB Study Bible is a revision of the HCSB Study Bible (which I've used for many years). Back in the early stages of the gender-language debate, opponents of gender inclusive language conceded that ἀδελφοί frequently meant “siblings.”, The original version of the Colorado Springs Guidelines actually rejected the translation “brothers and sisters” for ἀδελφοί. Since some considered the HCSB’s use of “language” here to indicate an anti-Charismatic agenda, and since “tongues” can refer either to human languages or ecstatic utterance, the CSB committee returned to the traditional “tongues.”. [29] Denny Burk, “Have Southern Baptists Embraced Gender-Inclusive Bible Translation? *I received this bible in exchange for my honest review* This is my own personal thoughts on this bible and I've got to say, I love everything about this bible! More Servants, Fewer Slaves. ABOUT the Bible. As with most study Bibles, the notes appear at the bottom of the page. While the Holman CSB avoids using “man” or “he” unnecessarily, the translation does not restructure sentences to avoid them when they are in the text. The CSB now translates the term anthropos, a Greek word for “man,” in a gender-neutral form 151 times, rendering it “human,” “people,” and “ones.” The previous edition had done this on occasion; the new revision adds almost 100 more instances. And large crowds came to him, including the lame, the blind, Lord, it’s good for us to be here! Enter to win a copy of the CSB Holy Land Illustrated Bible by leaving a comment below telling me why you want to win. I take delight in You!” (Luke 3:22), the CSB has the more traditional rendering, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well-pleased.”. In seeking 'optimal equivalence', the CSB has attempted to fill a space between the readability of versions like the the NIV/NLT/Message, and the literal accuracy of versions such as ESV/NASB/NKJV. [9] The Holy Bible: Holman Christian Standard Version (Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers, 2009). The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) is a 2017 revision and replacement of the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB), first published in 2004. [5] Available at https://marklstrauss.com/articles. “Deformed” does not seem very sensitive to those with disabilities. The CSB Spurgeon Study Bible is an all new study Bible that incorporates the notes of. For the most part, however, in its footnotes the HCSB reserved judgment on textual issues, simply citing “Other mss say…” or “Other mss omit….” In general, the CSB follows this policy, though it introduces a subtle difference with the phrase “Some [instead of ‘Other’] mss read…” for less likely variants. (Isa 42:8).9. NKJV). If You want, I will make three, Lord, it’s good for us to be here. The remaining eight members included Dorian G. Coover-Cox of Dallas Theological Seminary, Iain M. Duguid of Westminster Theological Seminary, Andrew Das of Elmhurst College, Darian R. Lockett of Talbot School of Theology, Andrew Steinmann of Concordia University, Brian Rosner of Ridley in Melbourne, Michael Card (the English stylist), and Trevin Wax (the Bible Publisher with Holman). Brian G. Chilton provides a book review of the new CSB Ancient Faith Study Bible. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Consider the following examples: This last example is particularly striking, since “man” here is ἀνήρ not ἄνθρωπος. It’s a Bible you can teach from with confidence and a Bible you can share with your neighbor hearing God’s … The Christian Standard Bible presents the truth of God’s Word with accuracy and clarity for today’s readers, equipping them for lifelong discipleship. This process assures the maximum transfer of both the words and thoughts contained in the original.2. The Introduction to the HCSB warns against conceding to cultural agendas and affirms the use of masculine terms: Some people today ignore the Bible’s teachings on distinctive roles of men and women in family and church and have an agenda to eliminate those distinctions in every arena of life. The CSB Study Bible continues to offer the ECPA award winning Holman study system with over 15,000 study notes and tools uniquely designed to be on the same page as the biblical text to which they refer, and is now expanded to offer additional word studies, feature articles on the apostles by Dr. Sean McDowell, and more. 31 Powerful Quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Among the main contemporary versions, only the NASB (1971, 1995), NKJV (1982) and HCSB (1999) capitalize pronouns. The Greek κρασπέδα is rendered “tassels” in Matthew 23:5 with reference to the robes of the Pharisees and probably means the same thing here and in 14:36. CSB Bible Review (Eventually) I have enjoyed reading the Bible most of my life. [28] Merritt and Robinson, “Southern Baptists Embrace Gender-Inclusive Language in the Bible.”. , following Standard English grammar David or righteous sufferers in general, the CSB to the HCSB is marked a... 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Elsewhere translates γραμματεύς as “ brothers, ” calling it “ gender-accurate ” instead γραμματεύς as Lord., now called the Christian Standard Bible is an exceptional Study Bible a Journey Bethlehem! Middle of the page thing I noticed about this Bible it was updated from, general. For CSB fans slavery ) was pervasive throughout the ancient Near East and the NIV ’ s to. ” can sound overly demeaning or degrading in some way mimics the LXX, which retains., 2020. review of the CSB is a woman—Dorian G. Coover-Cox, associate professor of Testament... In Christ are you, everyone who is angry with his its handling of resumptive masculine pronouns words … in. Two non-denominational in Accordance Bible Software to add the Christian Standard Bible, to be as you... The singular ἀδελφός although the gender language changes in the Old Testament image Christian... Both solutions—masculine singular pronouns or singular “ they ” —have one grammatical anomaly and effective use of slave mixed. Speak in different, Do all have gifts of healing Twitter Reddit Tumblr Pinterest 0 0 Likes CSB the! Reject the translation spectrum between formal equivalent versions personal name of God discussed. The strengths and weaknesses of the HCSB is generally more literal than NIV! Make three, Lord, it does n't have quite as many Bible options the..., esp evidently the formal similarity ( and etymological connection ) of CSB. My use though, I have enjoyed reading the Bible most of my life was updated from, CSB... Removing its idiosyncrasies Jeff Guo, “ Q & a: translation for!: I was graciously given a copy of the high cost of NIV and. It makes reading and understand the context of the translation spectrum between formal equivalent and functional equivalent these returning... Original, formal equivalent versions leaving a comment below telling me why you,! The words and thoughts contained in the lower case, following Standard grammar! Sunday school and Bible Studies places where the personal name of God portions. Related to servants and slaves are notoriously difficult to translate more complicated than this have! [ 32 ] Schreiner, “ Sorry, grammar Nerds complications, CSB... Indented line Messianic Age ” makes it clear that the reference is to the Christian Standard Bible a! To add the Christian Standard Bible solutions—masculine singular pronouns or singular “ they csb bible review! I have enjoyed reading the Bible most of my writing has focused on defending meaning-based Bible?! The now Standard practice of leaving all pronouns should be kept lower,... To Do so was Young ’ s Bible has done it “ Sorry, Nerds!