What others treats can I give my hamster? Humans will easily digest this alkaloid and benefit from an improved mood, alertness level, respiratory health, and blood flow. Chocolates contain different ingredients that vary from different producers. Chocolate is full of saturated fat and sugar. This information will determine if its safe for a hamster to eat pecans or not. Even if the hamster does not die after ingesting chocolate, there is a high possibility that it will suffer untoward health effects. This page my contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. Most nuts and seeds are okay for hamsters to eat, but there are a few exceptions. Can Hamsters Eat Chocolate? The chocolate in M&Ms is as toxic as that in plain chocolate bars. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I'm serious, if there isn't any chocolate by her cage it might be. In other words, hamsters are omnivorous and need a varied diet to stay healthy. Chocolate contains theobromine (aka 3,7- Dimethylxanthine) which remains in the systems for prolonged periods. After reading this article we are sure that you will not feed your hamster chocolate. as far as I know, chocolate dosages for hamsters are unkown. Feeding hamsters is actually something easy. Can Hamsters Eat Cheese? Bad news, friends: hamsters cannot eat chocolate. There is more cacao in a square inch of dark chocolate than in the same amount of white chocolate. But it might be poop. Two or More Hamsters – Can They Live Together? Can Hamsters Eat Spinach? So can hamsters eat pecans? Here are the 6 facts about feeding chocolate cake to your hamster. In addition to the huge amount of sugar and fats, chocolate also contains theobromine, which is safe for humans, but is toxic to most small animals and rodents. Small rodents like hamsters have short lifespans and are susceptible to diseases. Chocolate is a sweet and usually brown food made from Theobroma cocao seeds. Syrian Hamsters make great pets. 22 Foods Hamsters can (& can’t) eat! To guarantee that chocolate does not poison your pet at home, the following steps might help: With these guidelines, you now know what chocolate can do to your hamster and can take the necessary steps to protect your pet. Quality pelleted dishes, known as rodent blocks, have the highest nutritional benefits for hamsters. Likewise, if your hamster ate something you’re not sure about, call your vet. Fruit hamsters can eat include apples, blueberries, plums, figs, strawberries, bananas, cut grapes and pears. Yes, your hamster can die from eating chocolate, more so dark chocolate. Besides caffeine and Theobromine, chocolate contains high levels of fats and sugars that can not only cause gastrointestinal issues but have also been linked to unhealthy weight gain in hamsters. Owing to their small sizes, hamsters will metabolize Theobromine far more slowly than humans. Can Hamsters Eat Cookies? Why do Hamsters Fight? This prohibition encompasses all types of chocolates, including milk, dark, semi-sweet, and baker’s chocolate. Made from soya, whole peanuts and sunflower seeds, Non-GMO food made from three varieties of grass hay to support variety, Pelletted food made from a variety of corns and seeds, High protein content of 16%, even picky eaters love it, High protein content of 16%, good value for money. Crunchy pieces good for teeth health, Crunchy pieces that are good for teeth health, Protein content of 13.5% on the lower end. What cereals can hamsters eat? Make sure your hamster drinks it's water, and eats the food. 22 Foods Hamsters can (& can’t) eat! 1. 2. The fat and sugar in Nutella make it an unhealthy option for your hamster as they can lead to obesity. also, what other neat things could i feed her, like when she's out of food, or for special treats? This is a huge concern as the toxicity levels of dark chocolate are quite high. Hamsters rarely throw up but can have diarrhea to flush their body systems depending on how much chocolate they consume. Can Hamsters Eat Raisins? If it is said that chocolate is bad for hamsters, don’t give it to your pet. Hamsters can't eat chocolate! They carry food in their cheek pouches and can be … In fact, baker’s and semi-sweet chocolate is more lethal than dark chocolate. Milk is not toxic to hamsters so technically, they can drink milk. There are many treats you can safely give to your pet hamster. Fruit and vegetables are with some exceptions a good and healthy choice that … Supervise the kids when playing with your hamster. This way, your household does not leave chocolate leftovers lying around, and the cabinet or jar can be secured, so the hamster does not get to it. The water bottle should be frequently checked for any dirt or leaks to avoid contamination of the water. Can Hamsters Eat Peanuts? If in a dish, expect them to turn it over to transfer the contents to their larder. Leaving chocolate in different places around your home exposes your hamster to this toxic treat. Chocolate, particularly dark chocolate: It contains theobromine and is toxic in large amounts, which is easy to do with the tiny, sweet-toothed hamster. Even a small piece of chocolate can make hamsters extremely sick and can cause death in large enough quantities. No Comments. Chocolate is toxic and possibly deadly for hamsters. Nutella is something you should thus negate from your hamster’s diet. There is also a peanut variety that features a peanut filling with a milk chocolate coating and a candy shell. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Chocolate, however, poses a great risk to your pet’s health because of its high sugar content and toxins. Even though hamsters like to eat different types of food, some of them can be harmful for these animals. Feeding chocolate to hamsters' is dangerous to them. 22 Foods Hamsters can (& can’t) eat! Can Hamsters Eat M&Ms? They are made in the form of a liquid, paste or in a … Being so small, and depending on the type of choclate they may need only a tiny bit of chocolate … ​To answer the most common items given as treats (and some items not to give you hammy) we’ve put together a hamsterific infographic you can get below. If you’re ever unsure about feeding your hamster a particular food, just don’t do it. They may also consume small insects, like crickets and fruit flies. Yes, they are omnivores that can eat anything. It is marketed as a hazelnut cream in some countries and contains soy products in the U.S. Nutella comprises 58% processed sugar and 10.5% saturated fat by weight. Never! Smaller hamsters should consume fewer grape pieces while larger hamsters can eat more,” said Olivia Petritz, DVM, DACZM, and avian and exotics specialist at Advanced Critical Care and Emergency Specialty Services (ACCESS). Here is everything you need to know about feeding your hamster coconuts, and how much you should feed them. Before we can answer this question we should look more at the nutritional facts to find out more. Can Hamsters Eat Cabbage? 5 Things You Should Know, Do Hamsters Make Noise? Yes, a hamster can eat chocolate cake but in a limited amount. Hamsters eat about 2 teaspoons of food a day, including hamster pellets. Fruit and vegetables are with some exceptions a good and healthy choice that add antioxidants and healthy fats to a diet. Can Hamsters Eat Chocolate? Here’s a list of seeds and nuts your hamster can enjoy: dried sunflower and pumpkin seeds, with or without shell, unseasoned This makes the candy a harmful alternative for your hamster’s snack. In humans, it causes increased alertness and productivity. … and watching your hamster feast on its treats is sure to give you a warm and even proud feeling! Nuts and seeds your hamster can eat. It is also good to monitor your hamster’s water intake because a reduction of water intake can mean you need to visit the vet. Since there’s a lot to learn about this subject including why chocolate is dangerous to hamsters, we’ve curated a complete guide. The most common way to eat them is at a breakfast either hot or cold with milk, yogurt or fruits added to the mix. Be vigilant when considering the ingredients in the snacks and commercial treats you include in your hamster’s diet to negate those with chocolate. crickets. Hamsters like to eat chocolate in different forms, however, it is not a suitable diet for them. 22 Foods Hamsters can (& can’t) eat! No. No, hamsters cannot eat M&Ms because they contain chocolate. In their natural habitat, hamsters feed on nuts, grains, bits of fruits and vegetables laying on the ground, etc. We are a small team of passionate writers and animal lovers. Food placed in flat dishes or directly on the cage floor. We take a look at whether they are any good for hamsters to eat or whether they should be avoided. Your email address will not be published. Its high cacao content in cocoa solids means exposing your hamster to Theobromine and caffeine like you would when giving it chocolate. No, hamsters cannot eat Nutella. They are a more extensive and stronger species of hamsters which are very playful. Pet care experts do not recommend the ingestion of any chocolate by hamsters. She is officially half way through her life and I wanted to make her feel special by making her … Chocolate is not one of them, as it contains two substances that are severely toxic to hamsters … No, hamsters cannot eat M&Ms because they contain chocolate. When I introduce new treats for my Hamster, Mr. There is a lot of food out there with one of the following traits: That’s why, we have done the research and recommend the following three products, that are none of the above, and instead are the backbone of a good hamster diet. This translates to a higher concentration of Theobromine in dark chocolate. Chocolate to all animals including hamsters' if fed in sufficient quantities it is deadly, you must never feed chocolate to a hamster, or any other of your pets. Can Hamsters Eat Chocolate. This is because their acidity could give your hamster problems with their digestion. I'm planning on getting a hamster soon, and I want to call her cookie, and i think it'd be pretty neat if she could eat chocolate chip cookies, but is it safe? Theobromine is an alkaloid in the cacao plant from which chocolate is made. Can Hamsters Eat Chocolate? Hamsters can eat a wide variety of fruits; including grapes, strawberries, apples and watermelon. Do you have a source for this? You are now well equipped to start feeding all kinds of treats to your hamster. Threats Of Feeding Chocolate To Hamsters. Hamsters can eat coconut. This is done by giving a little, Introduce the treat into your hamster’s diet at more regular intervals over the coming weeks, Your hamster simply don’t like it and leave a lot of food. This is a huge concern as the toxicity levels of dark chocolate are quite high. 4. As such, it is not recommended to feed your hamster any kind of chocolate. Besides, there are indeed some kinds of food that can even bring them allergy. Best, Large Hamster Cages (for both Syrian and Dwarf Hamsters!). Required fields are marked *. Give hamsters a half-teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of vegetables, fruit or other treats two or three times per week. Your hamster will probably be fine, considering, dogs can die from chocolate, and my dog, small cavachon he was, ate a brownie. Provide fresh water every day. No, chocolate is toxic and even in a relatively small amount can be fatal for hamsters. In addition, food like meat and cheese can be important protein sources…. A sudden change in the diet of your pet may cause stress. Even a few grams of chocolate can cause fatal side effects in your pet. As such, it is not recommended to feed your hamster any kind of chocolate. They are roasted and ground and often flavored. Hamsters thrive on a high variety diet. Hamsters thrive on a high variety diet. However, just like human, their nutrition must be fulfilled well also. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. Yes, white chocolate is less harmful than dark chocolate. With quick intervention, you will minimize the severity of the effects. The quick answer is “No, hamsters can’t eat chocolate. The only type of fruits that you should definitely avoid are citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons. Do not overfeed on vegetables to avoid diarrhoea. MyPerkyPet.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising feed by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. no they can not hamsters can eat mostly anything apart from chocolate which melts in their pouches and citrus which gives them tummy aches. 5 Things to Consider. We’ve created VIVO Pets to help animal enthusiast around the world learn and care for their pets. Hamsters can eat plain cereal such as rice crispy cereal but it should be only on occasions and should in no way replace their usual diet. wereallaboutpets.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The health of your hamster is most important, so it is best to avoid any risk. Remove any remnants of feed to avoid rotting- this is especially for fresh fruits, vegetables, and powdered food which tend to grow mould / bacteria. Coconuts are highly nutritious and a delicious snack for your little hamster pets. 3. It is deffinatly possible for your hamster to parish, but lets hope for the best, pray, and don't touch your hamster for a couple days. The original M&M candy featured a milk chocolate filling and was branded the plain option. Besides giving your hamster treats, it is very important to give it the right kind of hamster food. As a pet owner, you should feed them well to boost their immunity levels and maximize their lifespans. November 1, 2017. Can Hamsters Eat Chicken? Kidney beans, uncooked: These are toxic to hamsters; do not feed! Can Hamsters Eat Peppers? Garlic: This can cause indigestion and blood disorders in moderate amounts. I would take her to the vet. Your hamster has no money or the ability to walk into a candy store to buy chocolate. Ensure your kids, and everyone in the house knows the dangers of chocolate to a hamster. With this realization, some pet owners are giving their hamsters chocolate. However, it is not good for them. This does not mean that your hamster is effectively protected from the harsh effects of chocolate. Hi everyone, As you know, Mouse celebrated her 1st birthday last Friday, 21st July. M&Ms are button-filled candies in different colors with an M on either side of the candy. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. M&Ms are button-filled candies in different colors with an M on either side of the candy. Hamsters love to chew on a lot of things, and nuts and seeds give them just that opportunity. Can hamsters eat oatmeal cookies? Bubbles, there is a 3-step system I use every time to ensure it’s good for his little stomach. Can Syrian hamsters eat milk? If a hamster gets its paws on chocolate, you should hope it is white rather than dark chocolate because the latter is a more concentrated chocolate form. Avoiding Toxic Foods Ask your vet about toxic foods. White chocolate contains 10-50% solid cacao, cacao butter, vanilla flavor, milk, and sugar. The product is a spread that contains palm oil, sugar, hazelnuts, skimmed milk, and cocoa solids. Again, make sure that it is not seasoned. If there is no negative reaction, then the feed is safe for consumption for your hamster. If your pet accidentally consumes the chocolate, you can give it vegetables, water or porridge to ” dilute” the effects of the toxins in its body. The original M&M candy featured a milk chocolate filling and was branded the plain option. 22 Foods Hamsters can (& can’t) eat! Sadly, hamsters do not have long life spans and so Mouse's first birthday was quite bittersweet. Other than these, you should include water, vegetables, fruits, proteins, grains, and cereals in your pet’s diet in moderation a few times weekly. Can hamsters eat chocolate ? Hamsters typically eat a diet of pellet food … Not only is this food unhealthy from a nutritional standpoint (despite our ‘it fights cancer!’ delusions, chocolate is high in fat and calories that can have serious negative effects on long-term health), but it contains toxic chemicals that can kill your pet in small doses. When introducing a new kind of feed to your hamster, you should first give a small amount and observe for a week for any negative reaction to the food. However, common to all kinds of chocolate is that it is sticky and can get stuck in the hamster’s pouches. This makes white chocolate less toxic to hamsters than dark chocolate. Though caffeine is not as toxic as Theobromine in hamsters, it affects the central nervous system. Can Hamsters Eat Chocolate Cake? The Theobromine levels in dark chocolate are ten times higher than those in milk chocolate. On the other hand, dark chocolate has 50-90% cacao solids, sugar, and cacao butter. I went to Petco when I got my hamster and they gave me an information sheet about hamsters. 22 Foods Hamsters can (& can’t) eat! Have a designated spot for the storage of chocolates such as a jar or cabinet. ” Some pet parents disagree and give their hamsters chocolate in small amounts. He should be fine, To harm a hamster he would have to eat a lot of chocolate was it only a little he ate? Chocolate can be very harmful to hamsters, even lethal. Brand name for sweetened hazelnut cocoa manufactured by an Italian company every time to ensure it s... When I got my hamster and they gave me an information sheet about.... After ingesting chocolate, however, just don ’ t eat chocolate cake to your hamster a particular food some! Proud feeling, plums, figs, strawberries, bananas, cut grapes and pears food. 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