By coincidence a certain charity athletic event was taking place the same day and so this area was full of competitors warming up in preparation for their 50-mile run-and-bike event. Das wird mein großes Abenteuer! It’s tiring and the terrain certainly slowed down my usual quick marching speed. About Us 'Oner' Blog. “Near where you came through the kissing gate on the way here did you see four stones sticking out of the ground?” said Willie. This is true, but I could see vehicle tracks heading up and down the burn on the far bank. Overall I was happy with my gear selections on the Cape Wrath Trail. Am Morgen des Abflugs schlafe ich immerhin bis halb vier (der Wecker geht um sechs). Bin erschrocken, wie schnell man die Orientierung verliert. Cape Wrath Trail. After Culloden in 1746, Bonnie Prince Charlie was sheltered by allies near the glen. Der Weg entlang der Steilküste gibt einige beeindruckende Ausblicke frei. Nebel auch. The descent was interesting through the rocks and past numerous deer, all watching me sceptically. Basically, there are two ways to get to Loch an Nid via Bealach na Croise from Kinlochewe. In a rare  moment of pique, they shrilly report that “pedants” had removed signs put up by the landowner that advised walkers to trek around the boundary of the forest – and that this removal could have literally caused the death of inexperienced walkers. So, I decided just to walk upstream for a while until I could identify the pass out of the glen. I offered the crofter some money for his fuel and bother. Ironically, as I was finishing lunch at the loch,  two walkers I’d briefly met the day before went past on their way down to Bealach na Croise – the narrow pass to Loch an Nid that B&H describe as feeling “very closed in and isolated.” The pass is visible from the loch and B&H’s words are accurate. But first, before checking in and before buying more breadrolls and cheese, I stopped at the Pumpkin Cafe and sat down to latte and chocolate cake. Last year when I walked the trail I kept a pretty good pace, and my experience on recent trips showed me that 5 km/h is a reasonable pace for me. Was there a place to get a cup of coffee? But three hours later I was at the end, it was pouring down – the only big soaking of the entire walk – and I was knocking on the door of the B&B at the tea rooms. B&H recommend that you camp a little further up the river at the end of the previous day and if, like me, you stayed at Sourlies instead, then you should soon be passing the area they favour where the river is marked by crashing waterfalls, big pools and snake-like twists as it heads deeper into the glen and Knoydart. “Oh, I’m only interested in the rocks,” he said. I was initially confused by this pass because I had been expecting to see a lochan at the bottom of it. Und so besorge ich mir Literatur (Iain Harper „Walking the Cape Wrath Trail“) und Karten (Cape Wrath Trail South/North von Harvey Maps, Maßstab 1:40.000), durchforste das Internet nach Informationen und Reiseberichten. Ignore it and continue straight on or you’ll get badly lost. He mumbled something about Morvich and the fact that he didn’t tackle the Falls of Glomach because he didn’t have trekking poles (I missed the falls out too, but not because I didn’t have any poles). Our favorite bothies along the Cape Wrath Trail, from the cozy to the absolutely epic. The pass between Glas Bheinn and Beinn Uidhe, looking back towards the loch . I assumed they were part of a university ecological research project. B&H remark that the descent to Sourlies is ‘unsparing, undefined and steep in places.’ It is steep, yes, but it is on a clear path and, as you descend further, you may, as I did, enjoy intoxicating natural perfumes blending the smells of wild flowers, wood and water. Etc, etc. Irgendwie fühlt es sich gerade schon nach Zieleinlauf an. Irgendwie zieht es mich im Urlaub meist nach Norden. Trouble is, there are a lot of rocks and a lot of trees in and near the river. And there are supplies available at Gerry’s bunkhouse, a few miles up the road from Strathcarron, which is where I headed after a night at the Strathcarron Hotel – or at least in a field over the road, which is where they let me camp when I found out all the rooms were full. Nur die vielen schwarzen Punkte an meinen Händen, alles Zecken, stören etwas. 320 km langer Weg durch die nord-westlichen schottischen Highlands von Fort William bis nach Cape Wrath ganz im Nordwesten. The trail begins with an easy walk north and east along a rough track beside and above the river Fionn Lighe. I trudged up the road and, while dodging camper vans, at least had the advantage of seeing how the mountains in this area near Torridon were changing shape. OS then shows the path crossing the river Elchaig near Cragog in the glen. Und wasserdichte Socken! Not a bad place for lunch. In retrospect I wish I’d stopped the day’s walking at Barrisdale Bay and stayed at the bunkhouse there, which costs £3 a night and has luxuries like running water and a flushing toilet. Blog. Nach meinem Verständnis sollten hier eigentlich die Tourberichte von einem selbst verfasst werden und nicht von anderen. Here, beside Loch Meallan an Fhudair, Kinlochewe wasn’t that far away on the map, but the combination of mountain peaks, rough trackless terrain and grey cloud and water at that loch made it seem very distant. Dort schaffe ich mit meinem vollgepackten Rucksack im Laufschritt im letzten Moment – der Fährmann macht sich schon an den Tauen zu schaffen – die Mittagsfähre nach Camusnagaul, den Startpunkt des CWT. After a spell of road-walking on the A87 down to Loch Duich, the path turned north east past the busy caravan site at Morvich. With no other people around, and no sign of any habitation, I could see why the author Tom Atkinson called his book about North West Scotland ‘The Empty Lands.’  After walking an estimated kilometre, and unable to line up my OS map with the shapes of the peaks and tops along the top of the glen, I decided to head up the shortest way I could find. I kept walking to the nearby Kintail Outdoor Centre, which is marked on OS as a place of tourist interest. And this is perhaps because while there is a signposted hill track heading north east from Strathan, it takes you to Loch Quoich – while, towards the west, the path heads straight to Loch Nevis via some lovely little lochans – and there’s a popular little bothy to stay in on the beach a few miles beyond it too. The CWT can certainly be a rough, tough walk – probably the toughest in Britain – but it needn’t be off-limits to all but a band of ‘been there, done that’ walking elite. I’m glad I did because the woodland walking beside and over numerous burns, some slow moving, some roaring with white water, was rewarding. But if this sign name is a mistake by the society, it wouldn’t be the first since there’s a really confusing one near Kinlochewe which gets the names of two passes mixed up. I could imagine hunter-gatherer people living down there in ancient times. Or, you could avoid the road walking by getting a lift to Achnashellach Station and then continue the walk to Kinlochewe. I was sad to leave Camas-luinie and would have gladly stayed a few days in quiet Glen Elchaig, which is a world way in feeling from busy Loch Duich, with its tourist traffic passing to and from Skye, just over the other side of the hill. However, I was booked into the Sail Mhor Croft bunkhouse at Camasnagaul, a few more miles up the road, which left a problem as to how I was going to get to Ullapool the next day. So, if you want to walk the trail, do it now rather than later. B&H  remark that there is a ‘faint path’ heading across this ground. The craggy tops and smooth rock faces enclosing the loch now looked interesting rather than forbidding and I began to see why B&H recommended the site as a fine place to wild camp. Continue reading » Harvey Cape Wrath Trail Maps. The sign they reproduce in the book is no longer there. Starting in Fort William and finishing at Cape Wrath, the 400km, 8-day journey winds through the world's most inspirational landscapes including Knoydart, Kintail, Torridon, Assynt, and Sutherland. B&H’s end point for this stage is the hamlet of Killilan. A burly bloke in a pony tail ran past and spat at the ground near my feet. Here I ran into a couple who were walking back towards the bull field where I had camped for the night. B&H here suggest that CWT walkers follow the path upto and around the Falls of Glomach a few miles to the east, returning down Glen Elchaig. Daneben gibt es weitere Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten in Hostels und Hotels. They don’t disappear overnight, even if some information in North to the Cape is out of date. Stara Planina: Hiking one of Serbia’s hidden gems. Unfortunately, if you’re at Attadale, the only way north is via the road or the railway. Basically, some of the Brooke/Hinchcliffe (B&H) directions read like a child’s idea of a pirate treasure map. B&H suggest you can stay in B&Bs on the southside of Loch Eil. Die Länge der Strecke und der schwierige Untergrund, die Navigation und die Abgeschiedenheit werden für mich auf jeden Fall eine Herausforderung. Glen Shiel was the scene  of a brief firefight between Hanoverian and Jacobite forces in 1719, the year of the second of the three Jacobite rebellions. Loch Duich in the background. After all this I was keen to get walking again and disappear into the landscape. Im Westen ist das Meer zu sehen. The path continues around the hill and, where it peters out at the next burn, the Coire Mhalagain, you are directed to turn right and head up to the pass, called Bealach Coire Mhalagain. Der Weg ist tatsächlich ein Weg. As you plod from the loch the jaws of the pass seem like portals to another world and any feelings of isolation you have up here have will probably be magnified. How selfish of them not to. After tackling a very, very steep gravel path the way levels out on a poor path that heads over the pass between the stoney round tops of Carnan Cruithneachd and Creag na h-lolaire. Schottland ist im Vergleich zu meinen letzten Trekkingtouren in Polarkreisnähe dabei schon fast südliches Gefilde. ‘Rewilding’  is very much a live issue in Scotland and there was much evidence of it on this walk in the days ahead. At the top the path breaks out into open moorland with clear  views over to Beinn Eighe. Although B&H suggest you next keep the river on your right and the fence on your left after leaving the forest (or rather ex-forest), I lost the path and ended up splashing over the water where I could to the A896  which goes directly to Kinlochewe past the entrance to the Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve. The path remains poor and relatively obscure as it winds down and across the face of the hill into Glen Elchaig, occasionally skirting the top of rock faces. But a gorge? The Cape Wrath Trail (CWT) has a deceiving name: it is actually not a trail, but a route, running the length of the Scottish Highlands between Fort William in the south and Cape Wrath in the north. I brief, I wondered later just where this bloke had walked. But there is a bunkhouse close by, at the glen’s other hamlet, Camas-luinie, which is where I now headed as I plodded north west up the road and recrossed the river through a field of Highland Cattle to the farm at Coille-righ. The higher path, the one you want, is marked by a slightly delapidated green sign. The Cape Wrath Trail (CWT) is an unofficial, unmarked long-distance route between Fort William and Cape Wrath, the farthest NW point in mainland Britain. That service (and the hotel) has not existed for a few years now, so if you are committed to getting to Ullapool from here  then you are either walking from Corrie Hallie to the main road to Ullapool or getting a lift the long way round. Nasse Handschuhe sind doof. At the tip of the loch you turn right and enter a wood via a gate, walking uphill on a rough boggy path that may be hard to find. Das Zelt ist in die Jahre gekommen und wird genau wie die Isomatte durch eine leichtere Variante ersetzt. Fortunately, the water level was low in June and I was able to dash over to the northern bank. Although the path becomes vague in places, it follows the river, which heads north west, north (at last) and north west again. And, depending on where you come down from Gualann nan Osna, you might be north or south of the tree-on-rock. Schreib uns eine E-Mail:, on Reisebericht: Schottland – Cape Wrath Trail. No path,” remark B&H. I took the Great Glen variant, which is an easier start to the … Another Cape Wrath Trail blog? Nach einigen Furten bei Wind und teilweise Hagel und Sturm freue ich mich aber über ein festes Dach über dem Kopf. It is perhaps the most remote and wild section of the entire Cape Wrath Trail. Whatever the case, the track marked by the big green sign on the A890 is a short cut to the Coulin Pass if you decide to stay at Gerry’s Hostel. On the face of it, it doesn’t seem right that you should have to walk the best part of ten miles west to the sea on a route to the north. You should pick up a mobile phone signal here – the first since Glenfinnan. The Cape Wrath Trail runs from Fort William to Cape Wrath on Scotland’s northwest coast, for approximately 280 miles. As the track turns east the vast bulk of Gulvain, a 987-metre high Munro, shows itself. Pfade. The end result was that I backtracked, and it was only by backtracking that I saw the iron gates and the cairn, which confirmed I was where I should have been. Another section advises walkers to find an important path by scrambling up a steep glen where the river turns south west and shoots out of a gorge. Yet west to salt water is exactly where B&H send you. B&H recommend you skirt around the edge of the woodland en route to the pass but, having already missed that path at Upper Glendessarry, I decided to go through the forest on wide tracks and paths which ultimately join up with the ‘official’ path. In June, the main drawback of the bothy was that I had walk a good quarter of a mile back to the River Finiskaig to collect fresh water because the springs around the bothy had dried up. Nie ohne Wanderstöcke nach Schottland! This is your very first post. When it still wasn’t visible I wondered if I’d gone wrong. This website has been developed as a resource for people planning an expedition on the Cape Wrath Trail in Scotland. The reason why I missed it was because I was following another track through the pass; the reason I found it was because I had a sudden feeling that I was in the wrong pass and walking to the wrong loch. Strathan is between the loch and the forest. These looked nice but the hostel at Glenfinnan was £14 and that won the argument at this stage of the journey. Share . “But it isn’t, the real wilderness is the land around here, it’s just that there’s nothing specific to attract people there.”. Like the one to Loch Nevis, the glen to Loch Morar contains a lochan – and I could now see a body of water ahead. And I now fully assuaged my walker’s guilt by doing the first part of B&H’s official route north from Achnashellach Station. Das Wasser des Sees ist spiegelglatt. Please consider subscribing to my channel it's free and really helps me out, thank you! One of the pleasures of doing the CWT is summer is the profusion of wild flowers. But although green on the map, the ex-plantation here should be a white blank since it’s now more like a post-apocalyptic landscape from Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, with row upon of row of dead bleached stumps and brash. “Steep ascent. Day Six: Camas-luinie to Strathcarron – 11 miles. Why? The Cape Wrath Trail travels up Scotland from Fort William to Cape Wrath, an isolated lighthouse at the most north westerly point of Britain. Discuss. The outdoor centre, by the way, is owned by the National Trust for Scotland. Anyway, that’s Lochan nam Breac in the distance. Looking back when I finally got to the bottom I could see no trace of the path on the hillside. Die Sonne bessert zwar die Laune, aber trägt ihren Teil zur Erschöpfung bei. Ullapool bis Inchnadamph. Did he know what they were for? Just inside the door there was an older man who quickly asked me who I was and what I was doing there. Trending Posts. Cape Wrath / ˈ r æ θ / (Scottish Gaelic: Am Parbh, known as An Carbh in Lewis) is a cape in the Durness parish of the county of Sutherland in the Highlands of Scotland.It is the most north-westerly point in mainland Britain. This is a good location in which to contemplate Cape Wrath Trail’s tough reputation. Der Cape Wrath Trail (oder CWT) ist nicht wirklich ein festgelegter Fernwanderweg, denn es gibt weder eine feste Route noch findet man irgendwo Wegweiser. at this point you will be looking for another exit from the gorge. Having  walked half of this long-distance trail in north west Scotland in 2012, and the second half in 2013 (the link to the second half is at the top of this page) it seemed to me that some prospective walkers would benefit from help with route-finding along a trail that seems bound to grow in popularity in coming years. Then I thought: I can’t get any further up the glen to the lochan because there’s a cliff in the way, so this is surely the right place to ascend. Farmer and bunkhouse owner Willie Nicolson, who brought me two farm eggs for breakfast, also talked about some aspects of the glen’s social history and later gave me a book about the glen, Beloved Over All: Glen Elchaig In Kintail, written by his late aunt Isabel M. Nicolson. Was für ein Tag! Owners of hotels, B&Bs, bunk houses, hostels and campsites on and near the trail route are also mostly aware of its existence, which also contributes to the sense that the CWT is set to become a permanent part of the long-distance walking itinerary. is this 100m ‘or so’ from the bottom of the glen? Day Three: Strathan to Sourlies bothy at Loch Nevis –  nine miles (or thereabouts). You might walk into the wrong pass, they say – presumably Bealach Gorm, which is where you would end up anyway if you followed the arrows on the misleading green sign on the path up from the village. The path “bifurcates” at some point, say B&H, employing an unnecessarily obscure word. This is basically a big scenic detour and I’d already identified a different and more direct route into Glen Elchaig on the map. Here, I followed B&H’s advice  to seek out Loch an Iasaich and was soon glad I had made the diversion. When B&H wrote their book there was a foot passenger ferry service to Ullapool operated by a hotel. Die Stimmung wechselt mehrmals am Tag, wird von ganz einfachen Dingen beeinflusst. A little below here the path heads steeply down to Glen Shiel and the main road to Shiel Bridge. A lick of paint for the website. You can cut a few corners on published itineraries, miss out some short but dull road-walking sections by getting a lift (I and some other walkers I met did so), and still get one of the best, perhaps the best (and few remaining), experiences of true wilderness walking in Britain as you head north. The second woodland of the day, above Kinlochewe, gave B&H same problems since they report that blown trees meant it took them an hour to cover the 1.5km through it – not that they were meant to walk through it at all. But if you put some effort forward, you'll see some pretty spectacular scenery and get a damn good taste of the Scottish highlands. Sie sind unbewirtschaftet und sehr einfach gehalten, bieten Lagerplätze für Isomatte und Schlafsack. It supports a new guidebook to the route which will be published by Cicerone. Und irgendwie ist es spannend, dass so bewusst wahrzunehmen. Er gleicht vielmehr einem Flickwerk aus Straßen, Pfaden, Weiden, Hügeln und Flüssen.Während einzelne der Pfade zwar an menschlichen Siedlungen vorbeiführen, befindet man sich größtenteils im schottischen Nirgendwo oberhalb der zivilisatorischen Grenze Fort William – Inverness. And their names, they said, were Mary and Joseph. It is approximately 200 miles in length and is considered to be one of the most challenging long distance walks in the UK. A private hostel only open to groups rough ankle-breaking terrain doch ein paar Tageswanderungen auf der Skye. Most difficult long distance walks in the path would take me next H suggest you can simply salivate over the! The most challenging long distance walk from Fort William to Cape Wrath Trail comes! Route in the rocks and a bit further – 11-12 miles is this 100m ‘ or so ’ the. Sachen in so einer Hütte kaum trocknen hillside path Tages finde ich einen traumhaften Zeltplatz an einer in Hanglage der! 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