So can it reallyyy be called a bothy?? Definitely no firewood at Maol-bhuidhe, those little trees should be left alone. There are no livestock pastures upstream, this makes the water quite safe to drink. Best wishes, A. About: Often the first bothy hikers will encounter on the Cape Wrath Trail, Corryhully is a well-known bothy not maintained by the MBA but by the local estate. Good fresh water source nearby, no wood source. It could probably fit around 8 very easily, and more could squeeze. There’s a fast-flowing river nearby that provides a good water source. Plus, you'll only find it if you skip the Durness bus and walk the section of road through military territory. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Pretty, clean, and airy, the small building has two roomy sides with enough sleeping platforms for at least six people, a tiny private room, and plenty more floor space. The up tight m o would like to think she owns the place and it is the m o who indeed says the KPC’s are not welcome. About: This is a privately owned bothy, and the owner requires a small fee per person staying the night. We were using a (digital) compass and the app which worked completely fine, but not all the huts were listed. I haven’t checked the quality of the water myself, so use your own judgment on this one. The Bothy; WheelNess; Go Cycling. We were using a (digital) compass and the app which worked completely fine, but not all the huts were listed. Want to know more? There’s a fast-flowing stream out back, I recommend you take water from it as far upstream as possible due to the livestock in the area. I have a great respect for the MBA and all that you do, but I also have to respect my readers and my own integrity and neutrality regarding this issue. Features: Stone floors, crude wooden platforms to sleep on, one open fire hearth. Smokers and non smokers. You will be rewarded - as long as you check the firing conditions, we doubt you'll get blown up. The fireplace warms it nicely, but there isn't always wood. Quiet, with soft grass, bird song and protective trees. Features: Both feature a fireplace, though wood is very scarce in the area. With the majority being cared for by the Mountain Bothy Association, these unlocked shelters are maintained by volunteers or local estate management and funded by membership subsciptions and donations. I created this route map to show where all the bothies on the Cape Wrath Trail (CWT) are. There’s not much firewood around, but a nearby fresh water stream provides a good water source. Multiple people told us to go, somehow we still didn't really understand what it was until we stumbled on it. The only reason it doesn't rank higher is because it doesn't have a fireplace. The trail runs for 96 miles through ancient woodland, along loch shores and over mountain passes; all the while tracking centuries-old […] Catch a ferry around 3pm and politely ask Stu or Andy if it suits them to drop you … Cape Wrath is also the turning point for the Cape Wrath Marathon. It makes for a cozy shelter though! I followed the detour and joined the vehicle track to Benmore Lodge. Some unlucky gal died there somewhat recently, so try not to think about that as you wonder if you should ever leave. Hi there! No fireplace. About: A two-room bothy right along the trail. The bothies are listed in order as encountered when following the Knoydart variant of the Cape Wrath Trail, from south to north. I carried on to the Schoolhouse rather than Knockdamph and was pleased I did so as the former is dry and light, whereas Knockdamph is dark and kind of damph Strathchailleach is one of the few bothies that has unlimited fuel, you just have to take the wheelbarrow and gather it from the nearby peat bank. Chances are, you’ve no … One of the few bothies to have a working power grid! One of the few bothies to have a working power grid! Flush with the bucket! Features: Stone floors, crude wooden platforms to sleep on, one open fire hearth. Features: A single room with hallway, an open fire hearth and sleeping platforms. : NC 247 611 (Strathan) / NC 249 657 (Stratchailleach). My name is Roel Zerner, a Dutchman with an aversion to luxury resorts and a passion for all the wild places! They are not welcomed by MBA. Share your thoughts below. Right now I’m planning my next (mini) Lakeland adventure: a two-day hike across 14 eastern Wainwrights in November. We collected some of our own small branches from bushes that had died on the hill above:) The bothy at Glen Dubh is also close by. Features: Four rooms, each with its own little hearth. Features: Two entrances, each leading to seperate parts of the building. Thanks for the tips! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Instead, it is a collection of trails and roads that lead hikers from Fort William all along the northwestern coast of Scotland to its end at Cape Wrath: a lighthouse and a few outlying buildings atop a high and storm … Broad benches in one room that can be used as sleeping platforms. One of the perks of hiking through Scotland is that you’re able to forget about setting up your tent every now and then and get to sleep under a solid roof instead, for free! Grid ref. There are two rooms with wide sections to sleep. Video documenting my April 2018 attempt of the Cape Wrath Trail. An overnighter at Strathchailleach (Sandy's place) during my hike on the Cape Wrath Trail in August 2017. Or the first, if you’re walking it north-to-south. The Cape Wrath Trail is a remote and challenging 200-mile hike through the Scottish Highlands. Keep up the good work young chap and remember NO Nuclear testing at Kearvaig, NO Jousting at Keavaig, NO…. Bothies along the Cape Wrath Trail public. Technicalities aside, it will shelter you from the wind and rain and you can read about it's recent renovation and past. The building is now a bothy – a shelter for stravaigers. I know. Input your search keywords and press Enter. These are (most) of the bothies to be found along the Cape Wrath Trail. There are more bothies to be found, as well as other ways to walk the CWT. How to guides; Legal advice ; Bike shop finder; Cycle Friendly Employer; Groups. About: Another privately owned bothy, it is nonetheless very accessible and free to stay at. It’s for fit, experienced and able walkers. What? Only murky, salt water nearby, a source of good drinkable water can be found a little way back along the trail. Most of these bothies are marked on the maps of the Cape Wrath Trail, if you decide to buy one. Donald Duck’s quack is worse than her bite and in point of fact is also not entirely correct, however, as it is only certain individuals in the MBA who do not welcome the KPC. Beyond the range of … both rooms feature plenty of space on elevated wooden platforms.